2009-12-27 03:32:33LO記

True Love is...

  One young man was secretly in love with a girl, one of his office colleagues.  Being a man of few words and not good at expressing his feeling, he did not know how to un-bosom himself of his love.  He had thought of writing love letter to her, but as a student of engineering and now as a technician, he could not dig out beautiful sentence from a mind stuffed with diagram and graphs.

    As to a face-to-face confession of love, he absolutely had not the guts to do so.  Generally speaking, such a young man is a hopeless suitor.  However, they got married a year later.  When asked about his success, he confided “The first thing I did upon arriving the office is pouring her favorite green tea.  I also frequently slipped on her desk some medicine for she has a weak stomach.  It wasn’t long before she found who had been paying her all these attentions.”  The expression of love follows no fixed pattern.  I wonder if personal concern like preparing tea and medicine for a person of one’s heart is not one of the ways.  Maybe, true love lies giving daily care.