2003-08-06 23:49:03lostsoul


woopeekushee 說:
u there
Lynne 說:
Lynne 說:
u alright?
woopeekushee 說:
big prob today
Lynne 說:
i chated with shawn for a bit
Lynne 說:
what what what
woopeekushee 說:
my sister hates me
Lynne 說:
Lynne 說:
what happened
woopeekushee 說:
my mum's b-day today and we got into a fight
woopeekushee 說:
i didn't think it was a big thing but it's obvious she hates me
woopeekushee 說:
like recently every little thing she would really get mad at me
woopeekushee 說:
like the other day i accident;ly spilled tea on the table and there was a leakage there which went though the table onto her feet
woopeekushee 說:
she got so mad at me for it and for the nxt few days
woopeekushee 說:
then today i was a little irritated at her for something and she got back at me
Lynne 說:
maybe she is going through hard times?
woopeekushee 說:
like she got so mad she refused to go for my mum's b-day dinner
woopeekushee 說:
tt got my mum really upset
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i had a feeling she was mad at me because i get to go do my masters?
woopeekushee 說:
so i confronted her abt it and true enough it had to do with it
Lynne 說:
i don't know the whole picture, but the only thing i can tell u is, even that's really the case, it's just nature..
Lynne 說:
i would if i was her
woopeekushee 說:
so she hates me because i get to do my masters and she has to stay and help my mum's business which she hates
Lynne 說:
perhaps u would, too?
woopeekushee 說:
yes i woudl feel it is unfair
woopeekushee 說:
i feel very bad about it
woopeekushee 說:
but then again i am quite hopeless in a away
woopeekushee 說:
but she can and has really helped my parent's business
woopeekushee 說:
so it is unfair don't u think
woopeekushee 說:
but what should i do? stay? don't go? be useless here
woopeekushee 說:
what would u do..?

woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
was there something u want to tell me
woopeekushee 說:
Lynne 說:
the only thing u can do to help the situation is
Lynne 說:
Lynne 說:
got a call
woopeekushee 說:
Lynne 說:
let me review what u said
Lynne 說:
Lynne 說:
i owuld still go
Lynne 說:
but make it up to her in some way or another
Lynne 說:
when u r able
woopeekushee 說:
i would give her all the money if she wants
Lynne 說:
i dont't think that's soo much about just money
Lynne 說:
but also about freedom
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:
Lynne 說:
and that's a very nig issue
woopeekushee 說:
i just don't know...my dad keeps saying she can go do something else if she wants...but my mum says she needs her?
Lynne 說:
dad and mum are 2 diff ppl
Lynne 說:
plus, i doubt ur sister feels that she is obligated to help in someway
Lynne 說:
u would be if u have the ability to help
Lynne 說:

woopeekushee 說:
i tried...i'm just bad at it
Lynne 說:
and i think her rage is not only towards u, but also herself and the whole situationt
woopeekushee 說:
wow you're really good at analysis
woopeekushee 說:
i just think this whole thing is not reconcilable
woopeekushee 說:
she really looks like she hates me
Lynne 說:
no she doesn't
Lynne 說:
but she has her complications
Lynne 說:
we all do, don't we?
Lynne 說:
and sometimes one can't resolve one's problem, not in a short time anyways?
Lynne 說:
also, her love for u and her anger towards u would also cause complications
woopeekushee 說:
anyone woudl see this as a very unfair situation right
Lynne 說:
and take my word for it, i am sure she loves u as much as u love her
Lynne 說:
u are sisters!!
Lynne 說:
yes, most ppl would.
Lynne 說:
but not if they come to think about it for a few more minutes
Lynne 說:
and it's ok for it's not anything anybody can do
Lynne 說:
nothing is purely fair anyway
woopeekushee 說:
Lynne 說:
it's ok.
Lynne 說:
just dont' be hard on urself or ur sister
Lynne 說:
it's nobody's fault
woopeekushee 說:
i feel like so useless
Lynne 說:
no, u feel helpless not useless
Lynne 說:
u r a useful person!
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:
mmm...not really..
woopeekushee 說:
but thanks..
Lynne 說:
oh yes u r
Lynne 說:
hey, how did u get ur psyc degree!
Lynne 說:
of course u r useful
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:
help from lots of ppl...
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i coudl not go and do music full time...
Lynne 說:
Lynne 說:
no one can always do what they want
Lynne 說:
though i would love to be able to myself!
woopeekushee 說:
no i mean..i could do that
Lynne 說:
u could, if u r living by urself without family?
woopeekushee 說:
then i don't have to use all tt money anyway
woopeekushee 說:
why not..i don't have any comitments...don't even have a car
Lynne 說:
Lynne 說:
why don't u have a early night
Lynne 說:
try to rest and calm urself down
Lynne 說:
i sense u feel guilty about having the chance to do master
Lynne 說:
and u r trying to talk ur self out of it
Lynne 說:
i think that's silly
Lynne 說:
u wanna try to chill out for a while?
Lynne 說:
talking about it doens't help at the moment
woopeekushee 說:
Lynne 說:
no don't be
Lynne 說:
i don't want to get u into a more desperate situation
Lynne 說:
i talk shit sometimes?
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:
sigh i sense we have big prob in this family
woopeekushee 說:
no u dont;
Lynne 說:
and i think u do need some time for urself, to calm down
Lynne 說:
oh hoho, rememebr me talking killing?
Lynne 說:
Lynne 說:
if u take all my words seriously, u die
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:

Lynne 說:
we all have family issues ah
Lynne 說:
it's normal
woopeekushee 說:
i think i'd like to live alone
Lynne 說:
the way to deal with it is try to find a way to deal with it
Lynne 說:
Lynne 說:
u don't
woopeekushee 說:
i do..
Lynne 說:
Lynne 說:
u do
woopeekushee 說:
it may be lonely but it's better thann this
Lynne 說:
for now
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:
Lynne 說:
just don't feel too bad
Lynne 說:
i don't really know how to put it in words
Lynne 說:
but i think i can understand how both u and ur sister feels
woopeekushee 說:
Lynne 說:
and i really think it's no body's fault
Lynne 說:
so.. first thing first, stop blamming urself
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:
Lynne 說:
good girl
Lynne 說:

woopeekushee 說:
thanks..you're a good friend
woopeekushee 說:
i'll burn u a cd
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:
joking..i woudl do so anyways
Lynne 說:
for all that i said to u, u should burn me 10
Lynne 說:
ahhahahahahahh i know lah
Lynne 說:

woopeekushee 說:
i'd like to do a laugh but i'd feel guilty abt it
Lynne 說:
we make jokes all the time don't we?
woopeekushee 說:
yes we do
Lynne 說:
err.. there u go, u think too far
woopeekushee 說:
can't laugh la..too much tension in this house
Lynne 說:
but then, come to think about it, isnt' that what i do all the itme myseld?
woopeekushee 說:
if i had a car i'd go out
woopeekushee 說:
yes u do
Lynne 說:
and oh oh, stop the if thing for now
Lynne 說:
it's a non-stop loop
Lynne 說:
what if this.. what if that......
Lynne 說:
i love this too.. but it's not good for u right now?
woopeekushee 說:
Lynne 說:
am i too nosy?
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:
Lynne 說:
i have a fear that i might have been
Lynne 說:
no? good good
woopeekushee 說:
no...why would u thuink so..
Lynne 說:
because just now i thought, shit, i am even stopping u from thinking "ifs"
Lynne 說:
that's too much!!
woopeekushee 說:
naah..if i would think tt i would anyway haha
Lynne 說:
Lynne 說:
ok lah
Lynne 說:
have u showered?
woopeekushee 說:
no...i stink
Lynne 說:
go take a nice shower
Lynne 說:
freashen urself up abit
Lynne 說:
have a quiet night
Lynne 說:
try to make ur body feel better (that's the easier bit)
Lynne 說:
it's the first step to make Urself better.
woopeekushee 說:
ok...kinda lazy to sohwer
Lynne 說:
Lynne 說:
u have to shower, chop chop
Lynne 說:
go bah, me also wating to take one myself
woopeekushee 說:
na..i'll just go to bed witjhout showering
Lynne 說:
then i'll go to bed early today
Lynne 說:
woopeekushee 說:
ok...i'll tty tomorrow maybe
Lynne 說:
make sure u do?
woopeekushee 說:
Lynne 說:
sleep tight, nitenite
woopeekushee 說:
u too..g'night