2003-06-14 23:22:10lostsoul


MsgPlus 太妙了!

woopeekushee 說:
ya lin?
sivous 說:
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
whatcha doin
sivous 說:
checking emails
sivous 說:
bloody busy these days
woopeekushee 說:
i quite my job!
sivous 說:
the course started 2 weeks ago
sivous 說:
and i have been living in hell since
sivous 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yesterday was my last day
sivous 說:
wow.. ic..
woopeekushee 說:
i don't know if i'm doing the right thing
sivous 說:
and u going to ucl?
woopeekushee 說:

woopeekushee 說:
we're going over on the 27th for a short while to sort things out
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
to uk?
woopeekushee 說:
wanna try to change the course
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
wow for how long?
sivous 說:
that's so nice!
woopeekushee 說:
10 days
sivous 說:
who with?
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
woopeekushee 說:
well, 4 of us, yeah
sivous 說:
why? big thing?
woopeekushee 說:
i thought i'd just go with my sis
woopeekushee 說:
since her bf is ther
woopeekushee 說:
but then my mum thought we'd all go too?
woopeekushee 說:
if we get the accomodation
sivous 說:
tha'ts nice loh
woopeekushee 說:
if not, then maybe not
sivous 說:
big holiday
woopeekushee 說:
at the same time go see this potential supervisor in cambridge..see if he's willing to take me in
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
best of luck!
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
ya lin i'm having doubts
sivous 說:
woopeekushee 說:
doing all this
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
it's done
sivous 說:

sivous 說:
all for the best to come
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i hope so...cuz i don;t have a job to come back to hahaha
woopeekushee 說:
i left a decent pay with a chance for promotion
woopeekushee 說:
i hope i made the right decision
woopeekushee 說:

woopeekushee 說:
hey, will u come visit me if i'm in uk
sivous 說:
i know
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
there was a chance??
sivous 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yeah.,,but i thought i won't be too happy working there anyway..so...
sivous 說:
that's the point
sivous 說:
so why be bothered about it?
sivous 說:

woopeekushee 說:
yeah...i dunno...i'm just sop screwed up i guess
woopeekushee 說:
i guess i'm worried abt my parents as well
sivous 說:
oh oh btw
woopeekushee 說:
they're getting old u know
sivous 說:
this psyc guy, he's engaged!
woopeekushee 說:
and here i am using more money
sivous 說:
last aug, and getting married next year
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
the guy doing psyc master in london, u saw in cambridge
woopeekushee 說:
oh the prince
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
oh ok
sivous 說:
why prince?
woopeekushee 說:
u mentioned him in tt way before i think
sivous 說:
wow i did?
sivous 說:
can't recall!
woopeekushee 說:
oh ok nevermind then hehe
sivous 說:
whcih airline r u flying?
woopeekushee 說:
sia i think
woopeekushee 說:
it's cheaper to fly these dyas
sivous 說:
staying in?
woopeekushee 說:
mum has this time sharing apartment thing ..which will expire soon so we might as well use it
woopeekushee 說:
somewhere in central...not sure which one yet
sivous 說:
that's true
sivous 說:
icic.. take loads of pics oh!
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
woopeekushee 說:
not like you've not seen london b4 hahahaa
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
that's true
woopeekushee 說:
i'm worried la u know
sivous 說:
i know u'll be ok lah u know
woopeekushee 說:
it's just that i feel bad for not getting a stable job and supporting my parents
woopeekushee 說:
they prob only have a few more years to work...
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
if that's what u gotta do, get over it
sivous 說:
and it's ok lah
woopeekushee 說:
aiii...you're right
sivous 說:
so no point getting all so worried and feeling bad
sivous 說:
divert that energy elsewhere much more useful
sivous 說:

woopeekushee 說:
such as....
sivous 說:
study ah
sivous 說:
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i need to think up some experiments
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
that's would take up a lot of ur time
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
about 2 weeks frmo now
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:

sivous 說:
i am learngin C language now oh!
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
later will learn delphi
sivous 說:
then java
woopeekushee 說:
is it difficult
sivous 說:
not yet so
sivous 說:
but i think it is
sivous 說:
nad u know what happened last weekend
sivous 說:
i had a huge argument with my brother
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
i was sooooo pissed off
sivous 說:
he left town for a short holiday
sivous 說:
so mum asked him to leave his scooter with us, so that we can use it
sivous 說:
(he's already moved out to another apartment)
sivous 說:
(i didn't move with him at the end was because we argued then, too =..=)
sivous 說:
so, he came back from the holiday
sivous 說:
called to ask for his scooter
sivous 說:
mum asked me if i could deliver it to him
sivous 說:
surely, so i went
sivous 說:
when i got there, he was not downstairs, i waited
sivous 說:
then i asked the porter to call him
sivous 說:
no answer
sivous 說:
so i had to go upstairs
sivous 說:
as soon as i stepped out of the elavator
sivous 說:
he yelled at me for calling
sivous 說:
because there was some fault in the phone
sivous 說:
he said that i should just come up
sivous 說:
i told him that i had be waiting downstairs
sivous 說:
he went " i didn't ask u to come right away"
sivous 說:
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
i didn't freak out sitll
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
i was going to check the phone
sivous 說:
one the way my thing dropped off, so i bent to pick it up
sivous 說:
while he was saying all that
sivous 說:
so i looked at him, he went "what?!"
sivous 說:
i told him, nothing, i am going to walk home on my own
sivous 說:
so i did
sivous 說:
but i slam the fucking door as i left
sivous 說:
he start swearing at me over the door
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
all the way downstairs
woopeekushee 說:
sounds like he had major pms
sivous 說:
i could still hear him after i walked down 4 floors
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
i was really pissed off
woopeekushee 說:
just saying
sivous 說:
and when i got home, there was nobody!!
sivous 說:
couldn't get in
sivous 說:
was even more pissed off
sivous 說:
soon my parents came back
sivous 說:
they got his call and went there
sivous 說:
i was more than angry
sivous 說:
they try to talk me calm
sivous 說:
but didn't success
sivous 說:
so i ended up thorowing two chairs
sivous 說:
and screaming like nuts
sivous 說:
then i stormed off to upstairs and in order to stop them from following me, i threw eveything i cuold fine to block the staircase
woopeekushee 說:

woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
that were, 5 chairs
sivous 說:
a shoe rack
sivous 說:
(with shoes)
sivous 說:
a foldable table
sivous 說:
and even a enlarged single matress
sivous 說:
the staircase was surely firmly blocked by all that
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
then i fainted on the floor
woopeekushee 說:
what happened after?
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
until the next day
woopeekushee 說:

sivous 說:
waking up finding myself having bruses everywhere
sivous 說:
i must have so totally freaked out
sivous 說:
then it took me the whole afternoon to clear up the mess
sivous 說:
it was real tough to push the matress back up
woopeekushee 說:
did u realized u were so beserked when u were?
sivous 說:
didn't understand how i managed to throw it down there
woopeekushee 說:
what did your parents say after all tt?
sivous 說:
i did
sivous 說:
they didn't
sivous 說:
nobody said anything
sivous 說:
havne't seen my brother since
sivous 說:
he better not let me see him
sivous 說:
i surely will stab him when i do
woopeekushee 說:
still angry at him huh
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
annoyed more like
sivous 說:
as long as he stay out of my way, fine
sivous 說:
just dont' mess with me again
sivous 說:
he's been too annoying
sivous 說:
like when i quit the dental job
sivous 說:
he lectured me on it
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
he eldest?
sivous 說:
he went, it's also ur fault
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
2 yrs younger than me
sivous 說:
that's the point!
woopeekushee 說:
wow...lecturing u !
woopeekushee 說:
very bold
sivous 說:
i am not saying i dind't have any fault
sivous 說:
but it's like as if he's working hard!
sivous 說:
and the othre time
woopeekushee 說:
ic...like hypocrute?
sivous 說:
he asked me how come i don't want to move out and be independant?
sivous 說:
then as if he's all independant
woopeekushee 說:
sivous 說:
he's staying in a parent's apartment
sivous 說:
using their money to buy all the stuff he wants in it
woopeekushee 說:
tt's not very independant
sivous 說:
and all taht
sivous 說:
and still have have guts to lecture me?
woopeekushee 說:
yeah man
sivous 說:
i really couldn't bare anymore loh
woopeekushee 說:
tt's quite annoying
woopeekushee 說:
do your parents know this?
sivous 說:
i was doing him a favor delivering his fucking scooter! and see how he behaved?
sivous 說:
not all
woopeekushee 說:
sounds spoilt
woopeekushee 說:
hey i got to go soon ok
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
if i don't see u b4 u go to uk, good luck leh!
woopeekushee 說:
u take care...have u seen anger management
sivous 說:
sivous 說:
i guess i should
sivous 說:

woopeekushee 說:

sivous 說:
ok lah
sivous 說:
byebye, nitenite
sivous 說:
take care oh.
woopeekushee 說:
ok, hopefully talk to u before i go
woopeekushee 說:
by ebye u too
sivous 說:
sivous 說: