2008-04-28 01:47:14musiccat
When your boss is too nice --the life in the office
When your boss is too nice
老闆對你不好嗎?去告他吧! 但是,如果老闆對你太好了,也要請你留意這個現象。當惡老闆已經無法目無王法的無理對待員工,有些人觀察到另一個極端的現象:老闆用另一種方式來處理員工管理問題,改對他們過度的友好。報導中提到這樣的方式所造成的負面影響,像是無法平衡表現優秀員工的心態;因為不願得罪表現不佳的員工,而把獎勵懲處的美意變成避之唯恐不及的猛獸。員工面對老闆的『柔情攻勢』其實可以透過人力資源(HR-human resource)部門提供幫助。
Do you feel awkward when boss treats you much nicer than it supposed to be? You are not alone. This phenomenon is getting bothersome for many employers in the office. Bosses worry about getting trouble from making employers harsh treatment when they are in an under-performance condition. Some reverse it the other way around: treating them nice, or way too much nice. This could be a problem when there’s a risk of breaking the rewarding rules. They cannot satisfy those hard-working workers. The issue could be solve in peaceful and reasonable ways. The point is not on the means to deal with it, but the attitude to treat everyone equally.
some keywords:
Unfair treatment, HR, specific,
老闆對你不好嗎?去告他吧! 但是,如果老闆對你太好了,也要請你留意這個現象。當惡老闆已經無法目無王法的無理對待員工,有些人觀察到另一個極端的現象:老闆用另一種方式來處理員工管理問題,改對他們過度的友好。報導中提到這樣的方式所造成的負面影響,像是無法平衡表現優秀員工的心態;因為不願得罪表現不佳的員工,而把獎勵懲處的美意變成避之唯恐不及的猛獸。員工面對老闆的『柔情攻勢』其實可以透過人力資源(HR-human resource)部門提供幫助。
Do you feel awkward when boss treats you much nicer than it supposed to be? You are not alone. This phenomenon is getting bothersome for many employers in the office. Bosses worry about getting trouble from making employers harsh treatment when they are in an under-performance condition. Some reverse it the other way around: treating them nice, or way too much nice. This could be a problem when there’s a risk of breaking the rewarding rules. They cannot satisfy those hard-working workers. The issue could be solve in peaceful and reasonable ways. The point is not on the means to deal with it, but the attitude to treat everyone equally.
some keywords:
Unfair treatment, HR, specific,