2007-11-24 01:20:24musiccat

My friend’s wedding party

Today is my best friend: A-Sun’s wedding. I am his groomsman, which is to accompany the broom in the wedding ceremony. I am also the photographer for this ceremony. During the wedding party tonight, they played my friend’s proposal film, which was so touching and romantic. In the film, they made an excuse to fool his girlfriend and eventually gave her a big surprise on his proposal. He even wrote the song and sang in front of her in the proposal. It is so nice that he makes his best to cheer her up. It’s also a very special and creative film I have ever seen for a marriage proposal.
Yvonne 2008-02-09 02:51:31

I have never experienced this kind of wedding ceremonies or parties. It sounds beartiful to have a chance to witness your best friend`s proposal.

roni 2008-01-21 00:09:09

Every wedding I have been to has been touching in its own unique way. The words exchanged, the way the proposal took place, the love story involved etc, all are touching because it`s the story that belongs only to the two beloved.