2008-05-08 15:23:54murmuryang

Stephen W. Hawking


這是一個好朋友去倫敦自助旅行時,巧遇到有名的物理學學家-史蒂芬霍金(Stephen W. Hawking)博士。




Stephen W. Hawking (1942 - ) is a British theoretical physicist. Because he has Lou Gehrig’s disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; ALS), Hawking is confined to a wheelchair and is unable to speak without the aid of a computer voice synthesizer. However, despite his challenges, he has utilized his intelligence, knowledge and abilities to make remarkable contributions to the field of cosmology (the study of the universe as a whole... as well as things and systems found in it... such as the stars, black holes, solar systems and other celestial bodies and occurances). One such contribution was made in 1973 when Hawking discovered that black holes evaporate over time. Hawking has also written the book A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes (Bantam Books, 1992).
It’s clear Stephen Hawking hasn’t let the physical challenges in his life become obstacles to his interests, goals and the many things he’s capable of accomplishing. Hawking is highly respected and valued in the science field because of his discoveries, theories and other contributions... not because he happens to have a disability. By using a "can do" attitude and his many abilities, especially the abilities of his mind, Hawking is a great example of a Can Do who is making a huge difference in the world.