baby +oil ar i support u thats just our parts of life try to overcome ours difficulties we then grow up thats our gains~
不過太多人享受d個刺激感... 唉....
不知道你有沒有吃過真正的燕窩,餅乾真的是沒有吃過真正的燕窩, 假的燕窩是有只有吃過混入白木耳聲稱燕窩,但那都不是真正的燕
也許這城市容易迷失 五光十色 簡單又複雜 但身體裡的血液 記憶著 曾經的感動 觸動 彷彿前世的印記 指引我
+oil ar
i support u
thats just our parts of life
try to overcome ours difficulties
we then grow up
thats our gains~