2011-07-07 11:43:23 Joshuachang


二○一一年夏季訓練標語 詩篇這卷書的中心思想乃是明言所啟示的基督, 以及聖殿和耶路撒冷所豫表的召會, 就是神的家和為着神國之神的城。 藉着基督奇妙的牧養,以及我們進入這牧養, 祂所救贖並重生的人要同建造為基督的身體,新婦也要豫備好, 使祂得以回來,在來世祂國度的顯現裏作王。 我們對主耶穌若有情深的愛,我們的舌頭就會是快手的筆, 照着我們對祂一切所是的經歷和享受, 迅速寫出我們對祂的愛和我們對祂的讚美。 基督第二次來時要據有地,並要在地上建立神的國; 神要藉着祂自己作湧流的河而擴展國度,憑着滋潤恢復地, 並以活水滿足乾渴的人。 2011 SUMMER TRAINING BANNERS The central thought of the book of Psalms is Christ, as revealed in plain words, and the church as the house of God and the city of God for His kingdom, as typified by the temple and by the city of Jerusalem. It is by Christ’s wonderful shepherding and by our entering into this shepherding that the Body of Christ will be built up with His redeemed and regenerated ones and that the bride will be prepared for Him to return as the King in the next age in the manifestation of His kingdom. If we have an affectionate love for the Lord Jesus, our tongue will be the pen of a ready writer, ready to write our love for Him and our praise to Him with our experience and enjoyment of Him according to all that He is. At His second coming, Christ will take possession of the earth and will establish God’s kingdom on earth, spreading the kingdom by Himself as the flowing river, recovering the earth by watering, and satisfying the thirsty ones with living water.
(悄悄話) 2011-07-21 07:34:10