2013-05-15 13:00:36 Joshuachang


第五週 週二


出三3     摩西說,我要過去看這大異象,這荊棘為何沒有燒掉呢?

申三三16 得地和其中所充滿的寶物,並住在荊棘中者的喜悅…。












Morning Nourishment

Exo. 3:3 "And Moses said, I must turn aside now and see this great sight, why the thornbush does not burn up."

Deut. 33:16 "With the choicest things of the earth, and the fullness thereof, and the favor of Him who dwelt in the thornbush..."

     The fact that the thornbush burned without being consumed indicates that the glory of God’s holiness should burn within us, but that we should not be exhausted. If a servant of God is exhausted, it may mean that he is using his own energy to do something for God. God does not want to use our natural life as fuel. He will burn only with Himself as fuel. We are simply to be a thornbush with the divine fire burning within it.

     I believe Moses never forgot the sight of that burning thorn-bush. The memory of that vision must have worked within him to constantly remind him not to use his natural strength or ability. Through the sign of the burning thornbush, God impressed Moses that he was a vessel, a channel, through which God was to be manifested. It is not easy to learn that we are simply a bush for the manifestation of God. Throughout the years I have been learning one lesson: to work for God without using the natural life as the fuel, but letting God burn within me. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 70-71)

 Today's Reading

    The record of the burning thornbush is to be a continuing memorial and testimony to God’s called ones. It bears witness to the fact that we can be nothing other than thornbushes.

    May this record of the thornbush make such a deep impression upon us that we never forget it. In ourselves, we are nothing; we are mere thornbushes. But God still treasures us and desires to manifest Himself as a flame of fire from within us. We should treasure His burning by never putting any trust in what we are according to the natural man. Our natural man with its energy, strength, and ability must be terminated and forgotten....What can a thornbush do? Nothing. Although you may consider yourself to be capable, you will eventually realize that you are merely a useless thornbush....Thank God that He visits us, stays with us, and burns upon us. Although the divine flame burns within us and upon us, we ourselves are not consumed.

     Today God the Father in the Son and the Son as the Spirit have come down upon us as fire. The Lord Jesus once said that He came to cast fire upon the earth (Luke 12:49). On the DAY of Pentecost the Spirit came in the form of tongues of fire....This holy fire, this divine burning, has captured us, and now we are part of the thornbush that is burning with the Triune God. The Triune God is burning within and upon the church He has chosen and redeemed. Thus, the church is the Triune God burning within a redeemed humanity. This is the divine economy (1 Tim. 1:4).

     If you praise the Lord for the church life and speak well concerning it, you will put yourself under God’s blessing. During all the years I have been in the church life, I have not seen one person who spoke negatively about the church who was under God’s blessing. On the contrary, all who have said that the church was poor, low, or dead have been under a curse. Those who speak positively about the church, declaring that the church is lovely and that it is God’s house, receive the blessing. This is not mere doctrine; it is a testimony that can be verified by the experiences of many saints.

     The fact that the God of resurrection dwelt in the thornbush indicates that being a corporate thornbush as God’s dwelling place toDAY is a matter altogether in resurrection. The holy One can visit us and dwell among us because He is in resurrection. He is the God of resurrection, and we, His people, are in resurrection....The great I Am, the God of resurrection, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, dwells within us, and we enjoy Him. Individually we are a thornbush, and together we are a corporate thornbush burning with the God of resurrection. This is a picture of the church life today. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 71-72, 112, 79, 83-84)

     Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msg. 6; Basic Lessons on Service, lsn. 20; Elders’

                                       Training, Book 2: The Vision of the Lord’s Recovery, ch. 3