2013-06-27 22:13:04 Joshuachang


第二週 • 週六










WEEK 2 — DAY 6

Morning Nourishment

Eph. 3:16-17 "That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power
                              through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through
                             faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love."

5:32 "This mystery is great, but I speak with regard to Christ and the church."

     [The fifth point of the church as the mystery of Christ is that] the church mysteriously becomes the universal new man as God's kingdom and God's house, and is built up as the habitation of God (Eph. 2:15, 19-22)....This is indeed a mystery. The church, the mystery of Christ, as the universal new man, is replacing the old man in God's creation for the expression of God and the accomplishing of God's economy. It is God's kingdom to be ruled by God and to rule for God (Rom. 5:17b). It is also God's house to enjoy God's riches and to express the glory of God's riches (1 Tim. 3:15-16). Furthermore, it is built up as the habitation of God. This is the result of submitting to the authority in God's kingdom and enjoying the riches in God's house (Eph.4:16). (The Mysteries in God's New Testament Economy, p. 46)

Today's Reading

     Sixth,...[the church as the mystery of Christ] mysteriously enjoys the unsearchable riches of Christ (Eph. 3:2, 7-11). This is through the stewardship of grace given by God and is according to the dispensation of the
mysterious economy of God. The purpose of this is to make known through the church the multifarious wisdom of God.

     Seventh, the church, being strengthened in its members into the inner man with power by God through His Spirit, has Christ mysteriously making home in the believers' hearts, with the result that it is filled with
the breadth, the length, the height, and the depth of what Christ is, toin us as the rich supply; this Christ is also making home and living in our hearts. For this reason, we need the Holy Spirit to strengthen our whole
being into our spirit. In this way, Christ will have the chance to occupy the different parts of our heart—our mind, emotion, will, and conscience. In addition to our spirit, Christ will spread and occupy our whole soul step by step....In the end, we will be filled to become all the fullness of God as the full expression of God.

     [Eighth] is the mysterious life union of Christ and His Body, the church....This mystery is the processed Triune God being joined and mingled with the regenerated and transformed tripartite man to become a universal couple....In other words, divinity is living in humanity to become the reality of humanity, and the human virtues are living out the divine glory and beauty to become the expression of divinity. Divinity and humanity are mingled as one.

     Finally...[the church] is the mysterious ultimate consummation in God's economy, the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2). This is the peak, the climax, of the union and mingling of the processed Triune God with the transformed tripartite man, resulting in the tabernacle where God dwells and lives with man, and the temple where man dwells and serves God. The two become the mutual habitation of the redeeming God and the redeemed man (Rev.21:3, 22)....In such a place, the Triune God is the life supply, and the tripartite man is the outward appearance for the expression of God (Rev. 21:12, 14). The Triune God on the throne is the center of the holy city from which flows the river of life with the tree of life growing alongside to be the supply of the whole city (Rev. 22:1-2). This is the inward condition of the New Jerusalem....If we have such a profound and transcendent realization concerning the mystery of Christ, the church, our goal and hope will be uplifted. We will see and identify with the New Jerusalem as the highest standard of everything in our lives, and our ultimate hope will also be the New Jerusalem. (The Mysteries in God's New Testament Economy, pp. 47-50)

     Further Reading: The Mysteries in God's New Testament Economy, ch. 2;The World Situation and God's Move, chs. 5-6