2013-08-02 10:27:29 Joshuachang


第三週 ‧ 週三


創一 10~11『神稱旱地為地,稱水的聚處為海;神看是好的。神說,地要長出青草,和結種子的菜蔬,並

    把地和水分開,表徵把生命和死亡分開。從第二日起(創一 6~7),神開始作工,拘束並限制遮蓋地的死水(參耶五 22)。至終,當神的工作完成時,在新天新地裏就不再有海(啓二一 1 與註 3)。不僅如此,在新耶路撒冷裏也不再有黑夜(25 與註 2)。這意思是,死亡和黑暗都被除滅了(聖經恢復本,創一 10 註 1)。

    植物生命無數的種類,豫表基督生命那追測不盡之豐富的豐富彰顯,包括其悅人眼目的美麗(創二 9),其芬芳(歌一 12~13),及其對人和動物的滋養(創一 29~30)。樹木(二 9,出十五 23~25,歌二 3,五 15,賽十一 1,約十五 1,啓二二 2)、花(歌一14)以及作人食物(約六 9、13)並獻給神之祭物(利二 1~3、14)的穀類,都是基督的豫表(創一 11 註 1)。










  ‹‹  WEEK 3 — DAY 3  ›› 

Morning Nourishment

Gen. 1:10-11 "And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters
                           He called Seas; and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let the earth sprout
                          grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit according to their kind 
                          with their seed in them upon the earth; and it was so."

    Dividing the land from the waters signifies separating life from death. From the second day (Gen. 1:6-7) God began to work to confine and limit the waters of death that covered the earth (cf. Jer. 5:22). Eventually, when God's work is completed, in the new heaven and new earth there will be no more sea (Rev. 21:1 and footnote 3). Furthermore, in the New Jerusalem there will be no more night (Rev. 21:25 and footnote 2). This means that both death and darkness will be eliminated. (Gen. 1:10, footnote 1)

    The countless varieties of the plant life typify the rich expression of the unsearchable riches of the life of Christ in their beauty for man's sight (Gen. 2:9), in their fragrance (S.S. 1:12-13), and in their nourishing man and animals (Gen. 1:29-30). The trees (2:9; Exo. 15:23-25; S.S. 2:3...), the flowers (S.S. 1:14), and the grains as food for man (John 6:9, 13) and as offerings to God (Lev. 2:1-3, 14) are all types of Christ. (Gen. 1:11, footnote 1)

Today's Reading

    The dry land appeared in order to produce life, to generate life. On the third day, Christ came out of death. Christ came out of death in resurrection just to generate life. Hallelujah!

    As we grow in the Lord, we learn how to discern light from darkness, separate heavenly things from earthly things, and divide life from death. In my speaking I may have nothing dark and nothing earthly; yet I speak without life. I am devoid of life. My speaking is genuine and proper, with nothing of darkness and nothing worldly, but nevertheless is full of death. So, I must pray, “Lord Jesus, drive away all the death waters within me that the dry land may appear to produce life.” In my speaking there should be nothing of darkness, nothing of this earth, and nothing of death. Within my speaking there must be the dry land that produces life.

    In your family life, there may be nothing of darkness, nothing worldly, but also nothing of life. When someone comes into your home, he cannot see anything dark or worldly; neither can he see anything living. All that he can see there is death. But I hope that when I come to see you, I will see that everything is full of life. Christ, the dry land, is appearing in your home. Christ is manifested, producing life in your home.

    The plant life on the land was generated. The lowest life, a life without consciousness, came into existence....If we talk to the grass or to the trees, the grass cannot understand and the trees will not react because they have no feeling, no consciousness. They have no emotion, thought, or will because they are lives without any consciousness. This is the lowest life.

    When we received Christ into us, Christ appeared out of the death water within us. Christ appeared and now we have life, the generating of life. We are saved and we have life. At the time we were saved, we received life, but the life within us was very low. This is signified in the record of Genesis by the life of the grass, the life of the herbs, and the life of the fruit trees.

    Even with the plant life there are three levels: grass, the lowest plant life; the herbs which yield seeds, a higher level; and the fruit trees, an even higher level.

    When you became a Christian, you received life, but that life in you was very low. Perhaps the life within you is similar to grass: it is life and it grows; yet it is the lowest life....Although last week you might have been like the grass, today you have grown a little higher, and you have become the herb yielding the seed. I hope after two months, you will be a tree bringing forth fruit....But when you become a tree, do not become satisfied. This is not the last verse of chapter 1; it is something which happened on the third day. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 34-35, 38-39)

    Further Reading: Life-study of Genesis, msg. 4