2013-08-02 10:51:32 Joshuachang


第三週 ‧ 週五


創一 20~21『神說,水要多多滋生有生命的物;要有禽鳥飛在地面以上,天空之中。神就創造大魚,和水中

    〔創世記一章二十節說到〕具有最低意識的動物生命,相當於信徒生命長大的第一步(參約壹二 13)。海裏的動物生命,豫表基督生命的豐富,在於有能力在祂的生活中勝過死(由鹽水所表徵)。魚能生活在鹽水
中卻不變鹹,照樣,基督和祂那些有神聖生命的信徒,也能生活在屬撒但的世界裏,卻不因世界的敗壞而『變鹹』(參約十四 30,十七 15~16)。海裏的動物生命,也給我們看見基督生命的豐富,在於以祂的豐富餧養人(六 9 上,二一 9)(聖經恢復本,創一 20 註 1)。

    禽鳥的生命比魚的生命高。魚能活在死水中,禽鳥則能超越死水。信徒藉着在神聖生命裏長進,就能超越地的一切阻礙(參賽四十 31)。禽鳥的生命豫表基督生命的豐富,見於祂是鷹,將神所救贖的人帶到祂的目的地(出十九 4,申三二 11~12,啓十二 14),並見於祂是斑鳩或鴿子,為神子民的罪獻給神(利一 14,五 7)(創一 20 註 2)。


    雖然每種形態的動物生命都有某種程度的意識,但有的生命較高等,有的較低等。〔創世記一章二十至二十二節〕首先提到的是魚,這是意識最低的動物生命。…譬如有些金魚在水中游動,我們一走近,它們就害怕的游開了。我們若撒些食物到水中,然後走開,那些魚就都回來了。這生命高於樹的生命,植物的生命(結四七 7、9);雖然還不很高,但是比較高了。這是生命長大的頭一步。



    第五天,禽鳥,空中的飛鳥,在魚之後造出來了(創一 20~23)。這是具有較低意識的較高生命。禽鳥的生命比魚的生命高。魚能活在死水中,而禽鳥能超越死水。你成了『魚』之後,必須長大成『鳥』。當你的同學來對你說,『我們去看電影。』你能高飛,沒有人能摸着你—你是超越的。你不只能驅除鹽分,還能超越它。

    在創世記一章所提的每個項目,都有經節指明那是豫表。比方主耶穌對彼得說,他要作得人的漁夫(太四 19)。按這話,主耶穌把所有的人都比作海裏的魚。又有以賽亞四十章三十一節說,那等候耶和華的必如鷹展翅上騰,這是更高的生命。許多人都能作見證說,他們常常能展翅上騰。我們能活在任何光景裏。但只要再長大些,就不只能活在邪惡的環境中,還能超越那些環境。我們飛走,沒有甚麼能摸着我們。阿利路亞!…這是生命長大的第二步。這真是好,但還不彀(創世記生命讀經,五二至五四頁)。


 ‹‹  WEEK 3 — DAY 5  ›› 

Morning Nourishment

Gen. 1:20-21 "And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living animals, and let birds
                           fly above the earth in the open expanse of heaven. And God created the great sea
                           creatures and every living animal that moves, with which the waters swarmed,
                           according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind; and God saw
                           that it was good."

    [Genesis 1:20 speaks of] the animal life with the lowest consciousness, corresponding to the first step in the believers' growth in life (cf. 1 John 2:13). The animal life in the sea typifies the riches of the life of Christ in the power that overcomes death (signified by the salt water) in His living. Just as fish can live in salt water without becoming salty, Christ and His believers, who have the divine life, can live in the satanic world without being “salted” by the world's corruption (cf. John 14:30; 17:15-16). The animal life in the sea also shows the riches of Christ's life in feeding man with His riches (John 6:9a; 21:9). (Gen. 1:20, footnote 1)

    The bird life is higher than the fish life. Fish can live in the death waters, but birds can transcend the death waters. By growing further in the divine life, the believers are able to transcend all the frustrations of the earth (cf. Isa. 40:31). The bird life typifies the riches of the life of Christ as seen in His being the eagle for carrying God's redeemed to His destination (Exo. 19:4; Deut. 32:11-12; Rev. 12:14) and in His being the turtledoves or pigeons for offering to God for the sins of God's people (Lev. 1:14; 5:7). (Gen. 1:20, footnote 2)

Today's Reading

    Although every form of animal life has some level of consciousness, some lives are higher and
others are lower. [In Genesis 1:20-22] first, the fish are mentioned, the animal life with the lowest consciousness....Suppose there are some goldfish swimming in the water and we come near them. They will be frightened away. However, if we scatter some food into the water and keep away, all the fish will return. This life is higher than the tree life, higher than the plant life (Ezek. 47:7, 9). Although it is not very high, it is higher. This is the first step of the growth of life.

    The fish in the sea live in salt water. As a rule, salt water does not grow anything; it kills, allowing nearly no plants to grow. Salt water kills life. Fish, however, can live in salt water. The water may be salty, but the fish will never be salty, unless they are dead. This is quite meaningful.

    All of humanity, the entire human society, is like a great salt sea. Yet, we Christians are so living. We can be alive and live in such a society and not be salted by it. But once we are dead, we will become salty....Life repels every kind of salt from the dead sea....In the midst of an environment of death, this life can still survive. This is good; yet there is more.

    After the fish, the birds, the fowl in the air, were created on the fifth day (Gen. 1:20-23). This is the higher life with the lower consciousness. The bird life is higher than the fish life. Fish can live in the death waters, but birds can transcend them. After you become a fish, you must grow until you are a bird. When your classmates come to you and say, “Let us go to the movies,” you will soar. No one can touch you—you will be transcendent. You will not only repel the salt, but you will transcend it.

    Every item mentioned in the first chapter of Genesis has a Bible verse signifying that it is a type. For instance, the Lord Jesus told Peter that he would be a fisher of men (Matt. 4:19). By this word, the Lord Jesus likened all people to fish in the sea. Also, we have Isaiah 40:31, which says that they who wait on the Lord shall be as the eagles, soaring and transcending. This is a higher life. Many can testify that often they were soaring. We can live in any kind of situation, but with a little more growth we not only survive in evil circumstances, we also transcend them. We fly away and nothing can touch us. Hallelujah!...This is the second step of the growth of life. This is wonderful, but there is still more. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 41-43)

    Further Reading: Life-study of Genesis, msg. 6