2013-08-25 17:28:53 Joshuachang

晨興聖言創世記結晶讀經(一) (73)

第七週 ‧ 週三



詩一一○ 7『祂要喝路旁的河水;因此祂必抬起頭來。』




    當基督領頭爭戰到底時,祂需要水喝,這水就是得勝者(聖經恢復本,詩一一○ 7 註1)。

    基督既已被釘十字架,那靈也既已賜下,基督就不需要再被釘了,就是不需要再次擊打磐石,使活水流出。在神的經綸裏,基督只該釘死一次(來七27,九26~28 上)。我們要從釘十字架的基督接受活水,只需要『拿着杖』,並『吩咐磐石』〔民二十8〕。拿着杖就是在基督的死裏與祂聯合,並將基督的死應用在我們自己身上和我們的處境中。吩咐磐石,就是向基督這被擊打的磐石直接說話,求祂基於那靈已經賜下的這個事實,將生命的靈賜給我們(參約四10)。我們若將基督的死應用在自己身上,並在信心裏求基督賜給我們那靈,就必得着活的靈,作為生命全備的供應(腓一19)(民二十8 註1)。




‹‹ WEEK 7 — DAY 3 ››

Morning Nourishment

Num. 20:8 "Take the rod, and gather the assembly, you and Aaron your brother, and speak to
                        the rock before their eyes, so that it yields its water. Thus you shall bring forth
                        water for them out of the rock and give the assembly and their livestock something
                         to drink."

Psa. 110:7 "He will drink from the brook by the way; therefore He will lift up His head."

    Doctrinally speaking, in order to flow the water of life we must have our thirst quenched (John 4:14). This means that if we are not filled with the living water, there cannot be any overflow. The flowing comes from the overflow, and the overflow comes from having our thirst quenched. From the point of view of experience, however, we need not wait until our thirst is quenched in order to flow. (Life-study of Exodus, p. 521)

Today's Reading

    If we would flow the water of life, we also need to be identified with the smitten Christ (Exo. 17:6; John 7:38). The smitten rock signifies the incarnated Christ in His crucifixion....On the cross Christ was smitten by God. We need to be identified with this smitten One. This means that our human life, our natural life, must be smitten so that the living water may flow. There is no need, however, for us to try to smite ourselves. If we simply are one with the smitten Christ, identified with Him, we shall experience the crucifixion of our natural life. Then as Christ's divine life flowed out as living water through the smiting of His human life, we also shall experience the flow of the water of life through the smiting of our natural life. Only when
our natural life has been smitten will the divine life flow out from us. (Lifestudy of Exodus, p. 527)

    [In Psalm 110:7] the brook signifies the overcomers. As Christ is taking the lead to fight
through to the end, He will need water to drink, and this water will be the overcomers.Cf. footnote 33. See footnote 341, paragraph 2, in Daniel 2. (Psa. 110:7, footnote 1)

    Since Christ has been crucified and the Spirit has been given, there is no need for Christ to be crucified again, that is, no need to strike the rock again, that the living water may flow. In God's economy Christ should be crucified only once (Heb. 7:27; 9:26-28a). To receive the living water from the crucified Christ, we need only to “take the rod” and “speak to the rock”[Num. 20:8]. To take the rod is to identify with Christ in His death and apply the death of Christ to ourselves and our situation. To speak to the rock is to speak a direct word to Christ as the smitten rock, asking Him to give us the Spirit of life (cf. John 4:10) based on the fact that the Spirit has already been given. If we apply the death of Christ to ourselves and ask Christ in faith to give us the Spirit, we will receive the living Spirit as the bountiful supply of life (Phil. 1:19). (Num. 20:8, footnote)

    [God] was bringing [the children of Israel] to a good land, a land of waterbrooks, of springs and of fountains, flowing forth in valleys and in mountains....The first aspect of the good land mentioned [in Deuteronomy 8:7-9] is its water. Concerning this water, first there were the fountains, which were the source, and then the springs and the brooks, the outflow. The water in the good land flowed forth “in valleys and in mountains.” This indicates that Christ flows in different environments. We have our ups and downs, but Christ flows both in the ups and in the downs. (Life-study of Deuteronomy, p. 57)

    All the valleys are the experiences of the cross, the experiences of the death of Christ, and all the mountains are the experiences of the Lord's resurrection. A valley is the cross; a mountain is the resurrection. We must be one who always has some trouble, some valley, but also one who is always on the mountains, always in the experience of resurrection. Whenever there is a valley, there is a mountain. Whenever you experience the death of the cross, you will experience the resurrection. The living waters flow forth from all these experiences. (The All-inclusive Christ, pp. 44-45)

    Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msgs. 43-45; The All-inclusive Christ, ch. 4