2006-10-23 11:50:47Mtk & Lmm

play down

In the udnerstandable zeal to depict the kids as creative agents rather than manipulated dummies, this often plays down the extent to which changes in youth culture are manufactured changes, dictated by consumer society.

Putting a theoretic label on the diaspora writers, recent studies associated with globalization often play down the living complexities filled between the lines.
Mtk & Lmm 2006-10-24 22:15:24

this 指前面一個很長的句子,
filled between the lines 是我自己亂用的,意思是充斥字裡行間

Mtk & Lmm 2006-10-24 09:16:49

第二句filled between the lines又是什麼意思?

Mtk & Lmm 2006-10-24 09:16:13

In the hope that the foreigner would feel welcomed, they often involved her in their conversation in the discussion of some topics. However, this often plays down the extent to which cultural shock may cause some miscommunication.