2006-05-12 09:25:06Mtk & Lmm
"contrive" and "stilted" 又是我!
Often the background is martial, and frequently a happy ending is contrived. Filled with ranting speeches in rhymed couplets, the plays now seem hopelessly stilted.
Often the excuses are awkward, and frequently a frivolous remark ensues. Filled with lofty air and snobbish characters, the soap opera seem hopelessly stilted.
Often the setting is multicultural, and frequently an inbetweenness is given as a guideline. Filled with detesting descriptions and flat characters, the novel seems hopelessly stilted.
Often the background is martial, and frequently a happy ending is contrived. Filled with ranting speeches in rhymed couplets, the plays now seem hopelessly stilted.
Often the excuses are awkward, and frequently a frivolous remark ensues. Filled with lofty air and snobbish characters, the soap opera seem hopelessly stilted.
Often the setting is multicultural, and frequently an inbetweenness is given as a guideline. Filled with detesting descriptions and flat characters, the novel seems hopelessly stilted.
Contrive: 1. 發明;設計 2. 策劃,圖謀 3. 設法做到,以計謀達成[+to-v]
stilte: a. 1. 踏著高蹺的 2. 誇張的;矯揉造作的