2006-06-03 11:58:31熊
meet on you
Let’s go our wonderland in a nice morning
make a lot of dream and walking in glory melody
how many beautiful trees and so blue sky
lay on a beach see the sea born wave
陽光照進了浴室 上廁所跟刷牙都不用開燈
優雅的法式早點 不可以超過500大卡
listen some bossa nova
drinking some juice . how nice !
沿著公路直直地駛去 外點一杯海尼根少冰
sunshine warn my skin
and warn my heart so many
黑海 真是個寶地 因為它的蛋塔好吃
配一點 hip hop rock 更夠味
looking sunrise
step by step at beach line
海岸線的夕陽 適合獨處的景色
cafe bus at night bossa nova sounds great
I see a man enjoy the time just like me
夜晚的咖啡巴士 搭配著 bossa nova
我看見了個她 跟我一樣享受著這時光
make a lot of dream and walking in glory melody
how many beautiful trees and so blue sky
lay on a beach see the sea born wave
陽光照進了浴室 上廁所跟刷牙都不用開燈
優雅的法式早點 不可以超過500大卡
listen some bossa nova
drinking some juice . how nice !
沿著公路直直地駛去 外點一杯海尼根少冰
sunshine warn my skin
and warn my heart so many
黑海 真是個寶地 因為它的蛋塔好吃
配一點 hip hop rock 更夠味
looking sunrise
step by step at beach line
海岸線的夕陽 適合獨處的景色
cafe bus at night bossa nova sounds great
I see a man enjoy the time just like me
夜晚的咖啡巴士 搭配著 bossa nova
我看見了個她 跟我一樣享受著這時光