2007-04-13 03:18:50熊貓小姐

Dead on

Life has been negtively wired. Judging people by their appearance is not only a priority in beauty competition nowadays, it also applies to job interviews. Being attractive or unattractive doesn’t definitely take the good side. Keeping asking those stupid questions that they think are something important and qualified for their needs for the position that they are trying to look for that type of person is silly! How could they tell a person by 40 minutes to decide him or her can take this job? just becuz of their intution without any particular training. Oh..Give me a break! I don’t believe shit like that. My point is...u provide what I need, I complete whatever you want. Deal is deal. No more BS.

After couple interviews from big or small companies, I would just laugh when I found something idiotic that they did in the process. What a WAY! lol Just bunch of craps!
Am I being cynical? Heck NO! Something 100% sure is their stupidity triggering people’s anger to be cynical nuts.LOL
Hell with you all, and enjoy the burning flame!