2006-07-03 06:06:13ms.Lincy

all the things I do.

I want to recieve a ring.
So I pray and pray.
I want to be more pretty.
So I pary and pray.
I want to be love deeply by mr.sk.
So I pary and pary.

But, noboby is going to sent me a ring for what I want.
It is impossible that I would be more pretty.
That’s is just a fantasy.
He doesn’t even like me anymore.

I couldn’t fall aspleep.
I cried in front of the computer.
nobody hears me.
his mobile was power off.
I know the reason of this whitch hurts me so bad.
He didn’t even want to recieve my massages!!

I have a stomache.
oh....no.....~~>_< help.

I just want to be seriously ill.
and then he might think of me and what is better,
he might worry about me ,too.
However,I had a terrible day yesterday.

what I should do now is to sleep but I really don’t want to do so.
hey darling.Do you miss me?

ok,later I will go to my friedn’s home to learn how to cook pizza.Of course for him but, as we all know.It is impossible for him to accept a thing I sent him now. we are not lovers,not friends.we are just strangers!!!! the stranger who knows each other the best.

I could say that he really loves me no more.
he won’t even wait for me.but I think it’s normal.there isn’ t a boy who would wait for you for 6 years.

forget it.don’t worry be happy...