2007-12-17 23:44:47Miss Hong


Baggy Pants Banned

Baggy Pants 垮褲
ban V. 禁止
His pants are saggin’ and baggin’.
show students’ underwear 露出內褲
It’ll be up to principals to say how low is too low.多低算太低由校長決定
pull up your pants拉高你的褲子

以來摘自CNN News
You can probably look around the class or the cafeteria and see whose pants are saggin’ and baggin’. He won’t be able to do this for long in Atlanta, though. The city’s school board voted Monday night to ban baggy pants that show students’ underwear. It’ll be up to principals to say how low is too low. And punishment could be anything from a warning-- "pull up your pants!"... To a hearing in front of a student panel!
