2007-11-04 16:17:25Miss Hong


《中英對照讀新聞》Man accused of trying to flee from police while riding lawnmower drunk酒醉開鋤草機的男子被控企圖躲避警方盤查

A man accused of drunken driving tried to outrun the police, but his vehicle wasn’t up to the task.


Michael Ginevan of Bunker Hill, West Virginia, was driving a riding lawnmower near his home when a Berkeley County sheriff’s deputy attempted to pull him over. Ginevan, 39, allegedly sped away and Deputy J.H. Jenkins stopped his cruiser and gave chase on foot, according to magistrate court records.


Jenkins caught up to the lawnmower after a short chase but Ginevan allegedly wouldn’t stop so the deputy pulled him off the machine. Ginevan refused to take a field sobriety test and was arrested. Jenkins then found a case of beer strapped to the lawnmower’s front, court records show.



up to:俚語,能夠做到或處理;到…的程度。如 He was up to the task.(他能勝任那項任務。)也有「有賴於/取決於」的意思。如 I have no plans for tonight; it’s totally up to you.(我對今晚沒啥計畫;一切由你決定。)

pull over:片語,靠邊停車。例句:I was ordered by a police officer to pull over the other day.(我前幾天被一名警察要求靠邊停車。)

sobriety test:酒駕測試。sobriety,名詞,清醒;sober,形容詞,沒喝酒,清醒的,嚴肅的;as sober as a judge(完全清醒的,絲毫沒喝醉)。例句:Even after 3 glasses of Mojito, she was as sober as a judge.(即使喝了三杯調酒Mojito,她依然清醒。)