2010-01-31 02:29:37Fung


「我終於完成了三年的problem-based learning!!!!」
從year 1上到year 3整整三年,

合共46個problem cases;
92份reading forms;
46個concept maps;
46份PBL journals;
放滿一行書櫃的readings (是一字不漏的閱讀!!)......


“We Have Problem-Based Learning”
– a farewell song to PBL

(Original song – “Seasons In The Sun” – Westlife)

Try to insert the lyrics while listening to the melody here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ttpztjuiz5k
I did try hard to make the number of syllables fits :P

Goodbye to you, dear PBL
We've known each other since we became speechians
Together we're through six whole blocks
Learned of speech and phonetics
not to mention statistics (<=討厭的statistics.......)

Goodbye my friend it's hard to cry
When all the PBLs have been so dry
Now that joy is in the air
Readings—possible or core
Shall see highlighters no more (我兩個月內換了三批營光筆)

We have learned, we have grown, we have problem-based learning
But our dark eye circles say they’re fed up with readings (很好!!)

Goodbye tutors please pray for us
We are the products under PBL
We’d tried hard to perform at our best
Too much stress and too few 7s (7係PBL evaluation的滿分)
Wonder how I got along

Goodbye c-map, I can’t deny (c-map即concept map)
When you are all over I want to fly
Now that linking words can be spared
No more ‘includes’ everywhere
Adding cross-links -- I don’t’ care!

We have learned, we have grown, we have problem-based learning
But our dark eye circles say they’re fed up with readings [x2]


Goodbye 92 dear reading forms
You gave me pain and made me stayed up late
gulped down bottles of 葡萄適
You would always be a scar
proudly worn with gowns from afar

Goodbye at last, dear PBL
Enough with raising new learning issues (每次新problem case都要raise learning issues.....)
Now that bridge week’s at the corner (bridge weeks係PBL同clinic中間的堂)
we’re one step closer to be
speech therapists! — well, we’ll see… (呢句有少少黑色幽默.......)

We have learned, we have grown, we have problem-based learning
But our dark eye circles say they’re fed up with readings [x3]

We have learned, we have grown, we have problem-based learning
When it ends, all the best to our placement incoming.
