2008-05-14 19:28:54Fung

Be romantic~~

A few days ago, a TV programme mentioned that the happiest nation in the world is Denmark. Denish people really come across as free of stress, despite their incredibly high tax rate (65% income tax!!!). Instead of grieving the people, the heavy tax brings them excellent welfare. The government pays for all the educational and medical expenses. Also, people do not choose work according to social status or income level. Even a royalty member is willing to be a carpenter apprentice.

Sometime I think HK people are too tense. We just lack the kind of "free mind" of Denish people.

Yesterday, got to MTR station by van from HKU. On my way, I thought perhaps it was a good idea to pretend to be a tourist or an overseas student (u konw, just anyone not local), fooling around those labyrinthine streets in Central and taking pictures for everything. Then got into those art galleries, spending a bit of time really appreciating the art work. Feeling hungary, just sat down in any of the resturants or simply picked a bagel..........

A day like this will be romantic~~~

I always go to Central, but I’ve never really look at it form an appreciative perspective. Without a free mind, we don’t experience the romance, not the kind of romance between the two sexes, but the romance of life.

So be romantic!

P.S. why I type in English? After installing IE 7, "9-square" is not working well with it........Perhaps it’s time to learn "tsong kit".
anthony 2008-05-22 12:23:29

There`s a solution for solving the Q9/IE7 issue, but....I won`t tell you here, you may google for it, or go straight for Cangjie :D