2008-06-05 20:57:40傻逼的昱廷

Thursday 5th June

Today was a normal day, at school...
nothing much to talk about..
Some ppl went for a wierdo test.
They say its really easy.
Well, i dunno...
After school
i went to play basketball.
At first with some grade 7’s
Later i went to 泡妞 :P
played with some girls
Bendrick was like 耍帥 lol...
but still, quite pro
killed 3 high ppl.

Yea, thats abt it for today eh?
Anything want to add guys?
Vivvv ♥ 2008-06-06 21:26:44

Post more lahh [:

okay, i wil :D 2008-06-08 20:55:12
Vivvv ♥ 2008-06-06 21:26:23

Your day was really interesting -.-