2015-11-20 17:26:18大地之母

Hundreds of thousands of military

Most of the firearms on the black market are handguns. A handgun is the preferred type of firearm for most criminals since these are easy to hide.

However, in recent years, Belgian police have noticed an increase in the possession and use of military-style weapons such as Kalashnikovs among criminals.

Depending on the type and condition of the weapon and how quickly one wants to get it, prices on the Belgian black market are generally between 1,000 and 2,000 euro (£700-£1,400).

This increase of heavy firearms on the illegal market is mainly linked to smuggling from the Balkans.

After the Balkan wars of the 1990s, hundreds of thousands of military weapons stayed in the hands of citizens.

These weapons have found their way to Western Europe by being smuggled in small quantities, for instance in the boots of cars. Once they cross the EU's external borders, these weapons can easily be transferred from one European country to another within the Schengen zone.