2004-06-05 01:53:54DVD共濟會

☆推薦給出過車禍的人—《Convergence 靈異穿梭站》

—Convergence=n. 1.會合;聚合 2.【氣】輻合 3.【數】收斂.

—AKA. "Premonition 預兆" (Seattle is one of those points on Earth where mystical lines of energy converge, hence the film's original title).

—導演 Gavin Wilding (導過 ...) 自編自導, 局外不安的墜機靈異作品. 女主角 Ali Caine(由 Cynthia Preston 主演)肚上的傷痕是真的 (她剛好出過嚴重車禍).

—「There is no explanation, some things just are, and this is how...」

—「How would you know how I feel!? You f@#%ed her once. She was my best friend!」

—「If people knew the real truth about things, they'd never get up in the morning. -nothig work, nobody care, there's no purpose...」

—「Death is beautiful, because there's only pain in life.」

Cynthia Preston .... Ali Caine
Adrian Paul .... Brady Traub
Christopher Lloyd .... Morley Allen
Blu Mankuma .... John Fellons
Rachel Hayward .... T.K. Wallace
A.J. Buckley .... Stanley Kobus
Heather McEwen .... Young Girl
Marie Stillin .... Nurse Russell
Brennan Elliott .... Steve
Johanna Lebovitz .... Kirsten Wilson
Rob Lee .... Dean Draper
Philip Granger .... Jack Potts
Raoul Ganeev .... Greek Orthodox Priest
Bill Tarling .... Skinny Man
Priest .... Himself

1. Looking and Waiting [2:41]
2. A Classic [4:06]
3. I Didn't Trust Her [2:35]
4. Laundromat Refuge [5:13]
5. In the Warmth [3:31]
6. Familiar Face [6:26]
7. The Morning After [3:10]
8. The Date Is Set [5:09]
9. Another Visit [2:26]
10. Waiting for 4:20 PM [4:16]
11. Strange Behavior [3:19]
12. About Last Night [2:57]
13. Street Corner Surprise [7:12]
14. Damage Control [5:25]
15. Dark Alley Truth [6:28]
16. The Evil Is Growing [6:02]
17. Act of God [4:30]
18. Conditions Worsening [4:24]
19. At the Park [4:29]
20. Nature's Course [9:01]

▉預兆特价:超值二手 DVD $70元。

By 3不5時Ψ共濟會:ΨDVD Boy、Ψ聖堂騎士、Ψ實習醫生、Ψ夜班店員、ΨMr. Stupid、Ψ頂樓小鬼、Ψ跳舞少女、Ψ悄悄人、Ψ屌王、Ψ毛巾殺手、Ψ橡皮頭、Ψ走路人、Ψ雷普利、Ψ野獸男孩、Ψ夜之后、Ψ變形博士、Ψ海利狗、Ψ妙妙貓、Ψ條碼剋星、Ψ首映駭客、Ψ美人心、角角、柳丁男、全民公敵、假人類、知小道、馬上瘋、地獄星、最好心、HighWay☆、路易兄弟、彩虹蛇、塗鴨人、陰陽師…