2004-06-01 02:38:49DVD共濟會
☆推薦給要開刀的人《Coma 8號房禁地》
—改編自 Robin Cook 描述醫學界在企業化 --> 利誘 --> 腐敗后, 女性主義力克沙文主義的同名暢銷;驚悚;解禁;醫學小說, 由出身醫學界的導演 Michael Crichton 編導. 全片在 Boston City Hospital/ MA General Hospital, Massachusetts/ Xerox Lexington, Massachusetts sales office, located about 10 minutes from downtown Boston at the intersection of routes 2 and 128, 其中的 morgues 陳屍所, endless institutional corridors 各式迴廊;狹長通道;空中走廊拍攝. Tom Selleck, 客串演出一名被永久麻醉的器官供應者.
—A "feisty-heroine-vs.-old-boy-network" 範例.
Genevieve Bujold .... Dr. Susan Wheeler
Michael Douglas .... Dr. Mark Bellows
Elizabeth Ashley .... Mrs. Emerson
Rip Torn .... Dr. George
Richard Widmark .... Dr. George A. Harris
Lois Chiles .... Mrs. Nancy 'Nance' Greenly
Hari Rhodes .... Dr. Morelind (as Harry Rhodes)
Gary Barton .... Computer Technician
Frank Downing .... Kelly
Richard Doyle .... Jim
Alan Haufrect .... Dr. Marcus
Lance LeGault .... Vince (as Lance Le Gault)
Michael MacRae .... Chief Resident
Betty McGuire .... Nurse
Tom Selleck .... Sean Murphy
1. Credits. [2:00]
2. A hard day's spat. [5:13]
3. Pre-procedure jitters. [2:08]
4. The wrong result. [6:32]
5. How could this happen? [5:06]
6. Questions. [3:24]
7. Incidence of coma. [3:30]
8. Harris' precondition. [3:30]
9. Medicine isn't perfect. [1:43]
10. Lousy luck. [2:54]
11. The doctor minds. [3:07]
12. Influence needed. [1:42]
13. Great murderers. [3:46]
14. Not fair. [4:18]
15. Inspecting OR 8. [3:03]
16. A weekend off. [2:02]
17. The Jefferson Institute. [2:10]
18. Mrs. Emerson. [1:49]
19. A tip. [1:28]
20. Looks like an accident. [1:43]
21. Making a connection. [5:31]
22. On the run. [2:58]
23. The amphitheatre. [3:53]
24. Bodies everywhere. [2:54]
25. Betrayed. [3:23]
26. Institute tour. [5:05]
27. The real story. [3:40]
28. Intruder detected. [3:29]
29. Ride on the roof. [2:16]
30. A difficult position. [6:00]
31. Message for Mark. [3:07]
32. Caught sometimes. [5:52]
33. Lights out. [:57]
▉8號房特价:超值二手 DVD $70元。
By 3不5時Ψ共濟會:ΨDVD Boy、Ψ聖堂騎士、Ψ實習醫生、Ψ夜班店員、ΨMr. Stupid、Ψ頂樓小鬼、Ψ跳舞少女、Ψ悄悄人、Ψ屌王、Ψ毛巾殺手、Ψ橡皮頭、Ψ走路人、Ψ雷普利、Ψ野獸男孩、Ψ夜之后、Ψ變形博士、Ψ海利狗、Ψ妙妙貓、Ψ條碼剋星、Ψ首映駭客、Ψ美人心、角角、柳丁男、全民公敵、假人類、知小道、馬上瘋、地獄星、最好心、HighWay☆、路易兄弟、彩虹蛇、塗鴨人、陰陽師…