2004-05-18 00:30:00DVD共濟會

☆推薦給後現代主義的人《Hudson Hawk 終極神鷹》

—AKA. "Adventures of Hudson Hawk"="To Catch a Thief"+"Naked Gun"

—奇才導演 Michael Lehmann (導過 1989 The Applegates, 1989 Heathers, 1988 Beaver Gets a Boner...) 詭計多端的後現代主義作品. 在不可思議的超級預算下, 全片在 Budapest, Hungary; London, England; Rome, Italy; New York, Los Angeles, California... 等國際名勝, 風光拍攝.

—Vatican 教廷導覽專員 Andie MacDowell 教你如何與海豚對話; Bruce Willis 合寫劇本且作詞兼作曲.

—本片充滿災難的' 風風雨雨的' 終極混亂的幕后制作... 被少數倖存的演員 Richard E. Grant 寫成了一本爆料回憶錄.

—"I feel like a dolphin who's never tasted melted snow."

—"You started the week by stealing the "Sforza" and ended by swiping the codex. What are your plans for the weekend? Hoisting away the Coliseum? "

—"Money isn't everything--gold is. Fuck T-bills! Fuck blue chip stocks! Fuck junk bonds! We've got the real deal! Money will always be paper, but gold will always be GOLD!"


▉DVD 特別收錄 :
導演 Michael Lehmann 的爆料回憶錄.
Aspect Ratio Selection 專用選單.

Bruce Willis ....thieves who time their robberies by show tunes, Eddie 'Hudson Hawk'
Danny Aiello ....thieves who time their robberies by show tunes, Tommy 5-Tone

Richard E. Grant ....a greedy, megatrendy couple determined to dominate the world, Darwin
Sandra Bernhard ....a greedy, megatrendy couple determined to dominate the world, Minerva
Donald Burton ....a butler with a retractable sword up his sleeve, Alfred

James Coburn ....a group of CIA agents named after candy bars, Kaplan
Don Harvey ....a group of CIA agents named after candy bars, Snickers
David Caruso ....a group of CIA agents named after candy bars, Kit Kat
Lorraine Toussaint ....a group of CIA agents named after candy bars, Almond Joy
Andrew Bryniarski ....a group of CIA agents named after candy bars, Butterfinger

Frank Stallone .... Cesar Mario
Carmine Zozzora .... Antony Mario

Andie MacDowell ....a misguided secret-agent nun, Anna Baragli
Burtt Harris .... Gates

1. Start [6:29]
2. The Hudson Hawk [1:53]
3. Tommy Five-Tone [2:34]
4. Mario Brothers [8:21]
5. "Swinging on a star" [2:45]
6. Taking it home [:58]
7. First crystal [3:04]
8. The auction [4:17]
9. Ambulance escape [2:13]
10. George Kaplan [2:42]
11. "Welcome to Rome" [1:16]
12. "I'm the villain" [3:54]
13. The da vinci Codex [4:32]
14. The cardinal [4:17]
15. Stealing the notebook [5:49]
16. A thing for sinners [5:01]
17. Sister Anna confesses [1:37]
18. Second crystal [2:28]
19. Alchemy [2:42]
20. One way out [5:46]
21. Third crystal [3:53]
22. The bombs [:57]
23. Apprentice's diary [:54]
24. Storming the castle [3:03]
25. "Side by side" [2:35]
26. Taking care of Kaplan [2:47]
27. Crystal assembly [3:09]
28. One piece short [9:43]

▉終極特价:超值二手 DVD NT$99元。

By 3不5時Ψ共濟會:ΨDVD Boy、Ψ聖堂騎士、Ψ實習醫生、Ψ夜班店員、ΨMr. Stupid、Ψ頂樓小鬼、Ψ跳舞少女、Ψ悄悄人、Ψ屌王、Ψ毛巾殺手、Ψ橡皮頭、Ψ走路人、Ψ雷普利、Ψ野獸男孩、Ψ夜之后、Ψ變形博士、Ψ海利狗、Ψ妙妙貓、Ψ條碼剋星、Ψ首映駭客、Ψ美人心、角角、柳丁男、全民公敵、假人類、知小道、馬上瘋、地獄星、最好心、HighWay☆、路易兄弟、彩虹蛇、塗鴨人、陰陽師…