2008-09-06 00:53:31牛大便
the rudder
big wind
cold rain
strong wave
blowing blowing
hitting hitting
crashing crashing
where is the island i cant see
its as dark as u turn off the screen
the moon is hiding behind of the cloud coz of the youth bean
the sun dont show up too coz god is paying him the extra fee for overwork
if continue ship it must will go to the dead end
because of those banana stones
in the sky stars are twinkling
as suddenly we see the light
the light of the
full lotus light which is really light
and im gonna hold it tight
to keep the ship in the right
to the end of the world
the end of the sea level
where papa sun always strechs himself up
and i wish the trip lasts forever
which Shelton would say it is impossible as a scientist
waiting for
not only
the seacon 2 XD
上一篇:i am wondering
the commercials are such a powerful force