2009-04-15 01:19:07莫莫

IDIOMS -_ ANIMAL (俚語/俗語/慣用語)

Today’s Idioms is talking about the animal and some words are as following:

1.      Horse: (在俚語通常和吃有關)

I am hungry as a horse.


2.      Dog (Loyal): (忠心)

3.      Snake (Dangers): (危險)

He is a real snake.


4.      Mule (stubborn): (固執)

Stubborn as a mule


5.      Ox (Strong): (強壯)

Strong as an ox


6.      Peacock (proud): 孔雀 (驕傲)

He’s a real little peacock. (Only for man)

很自傲, 卻虛有其表.

7.      Fox (sly): 狐狸 (狡猾)

He’s sly as a fox.

8.      Phoenix : 鳳凰

After war, Japan rose like a phoenix.

戰後, 日本浴火鳳凰.

9.      Cats : (有好有壞, 沒有明顯的特別用法)

Look what the cat dragged in (看她拖著什麼而來, 通常用在交情很好的朋友或親人之開玩笑時之用. )