2009-10-07 03:43:59Mo (Jo Jo) Rill


雜一  (MLB的球評)




  我覺得,目前為止我看過的MLB球評都很棒。聽Michael Kay, Ken Singleton, John Flaherty, Al LeiterDavid Cone講,真的是能知道更多更多。Michael不用說,是十分專業而且風趣的,他還有一個Fan Club(好像只有四個人XD);Ken他們以前都是大聯盟球員,有打有捕有投,這種的經驗分享起來就是不一樣。像有一次是MichaelDavid Cone,那場比賽有一個中繼投手第一次上來投,David就說「大聯盟第一次投球,那是沒有人可以幫你的。無論捕手或教練上來怎麼說,球都還是得自己投。」


  最近季後賽越來越近,而Yankees的對手還不確定是Tigers還是Twins這段時間,就一直有「誰要投Game 2」或「對Tigers還是對Twins比較有利」等等的討論。MLB Tonight有一段我覺得很不錯的評論。Joba(大家都在講Joba XD的方面他們也有講到。Harold Reynolds覺得Joba如果在季後賽轉牛棚會是一個很大的利器(不需要 “Patience~”),Al Leiter也同意,他認為先發的眾多考慮亂了Joba的節奏。但Barry Larkin認為Joba一整季都是先發,季後賽轉中繼恐怕經驗不足。然後他們就吵起來了(一點點XD)。


http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20091005&content_id=7339036&vkey=news_nyy&fext=.jsp&c_id=nyy (右上角有影片)

















雜三   (某個花草茶)















雜五  (mischievous的念法)







Only recently did I find out the standard pronunciation of the word "mischievous" and its noun form "mischief." Instead of stressing on the second syllable, it stresses firmly and sternly on the first, and holds no respect to such wonderful and rhythmic words as “obvious” and “rebellious.” Foolish and naïve I am to assume that “mischievous”, a word with such fun-loving-natured definition, should have a breezy and vigorous sound. Nevertheless, though over and over again I am told of the nonstandard-ness of my previous pronunciation, I wish still to keep my loyalty. Unfortunately, the probability that, as time go by, I will get used to the “right” pronunciation is strong. By then, the fond memory of the poetic and [mis-chee-vee-uh s] word will be the only happiness remaining in all this nonsense.