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【熱賣商品】Brevi Child Car Seat Kimi Isofix tt 省荷包


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Brevi Child Car Seat Kimi Isofix tt 設計式樣: Jeans · 2018

The elegant Brevi child safety seat Kimi Isofix tt grows with your child and is suitable for children right from birth up to an age of 7 years. At the beginning, your child is fastened with the built-in harness while later on he is secured with your car's own seat belt and is thus provided with a comfortable seat on every car ride. In order to supply your child with a relaxed recline and sleeping position, you can easily adjust the shell with only a flick of the wrist.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 0+/ 1/ 2

  • Suitable for children from birth up to a weight of 25 kg
  • 撿便宜購物

  • Age suitability: from birth up to 7 years

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R44/ 04

In order to ensure maximum safety for your smallest passenger from birth up to approx. 18 months (0 - 13 kg), you need to use the ergonomic seat insert. When used as a group 0+ child safety seat, the Kimi is to be installed in a rear-facing mode in your car by using your vehicle's own seatbelt. In order to maintain maximum safety, only a lying position (position 4) is allowed when the child car seat is used in a rear-facing mode. The built-in harness comes with soft and non-slip pads - this way, there is nothing tweaking or bothering your child during the ride in your car.

When your child has grown, you can use the Kimi as a group 1 child safety seat. From that point, you can remove the seat insert and use the child car seat in a forward-facing mode. This setting allows you to fasten the Kimi with the Isofix connectors and the top tether. Colour indicators contribute to even more safety by showing you whether the child safety seat is installed correctly. Now you can also adjust the backrest according to your child's wishes - travelling in a sitting or lying position: it's up to your child.

The energy-absorbing shell provides your child's head, shoulder and neck area with optimum protection in the event of a side impact. The headrest and the built-in harness can be adjusted simultaneously in seven different positions and thus grow with your child. The large seat surface and wide backrest supplies your child up to the age of seven years with a spacious and comfortable place.

Once your child has reached a weight of approx. 15 kg or else the age of 4 years, you can remove the integrated harness and fasten him with your car's own seatbelt instead. Special belt positioners help your ease fastening your child. At this point you can use the recline position of the child safety seat only in a limited way.

Please note: Not until the headrest is adjusted correctly, is your little passenger supplied with optimum protection. The headrest should be adjusted in that way that both the shoulder belts and the shoulders of your child are on the same level.

The Brevi child safety seat Kimi Isofix tt combines a trendy and elegant look with maximum comfort and safety. Various setting options turn this child car seat into a reliable companion for the first seven years of your child's life.


  • Including ergonomic seat insert

  • Installation as group 0+ child safety seat: rear-facing mode with car's own seatbelt

  • Installation as group 1 child safety seat: forward-facing mode with Isofix and top tether

  • Installation as group 2 child safety seat: forward-facing mode with Isofix or optionally without Isofix

  • When used as a group 0+/1 child safety seat, your child is to be fastened with five-point harness; when used as group 2 child safety seat, your child is to be fastened with car's own seatbelt

  • Colour indicator shows whether Isofix connectors and top tether are snapped in correctly

  • Headrest and built-in harness can be adjusted simultaneously in seven different positions

  • Adjustment in four different recline positions - please observe operating instructions!

  • Built-in five-point harness with shoulder pads

  • Energy-absorbing shell

  • Removable soft padded cover can be washed by hand at 30°C

  • Size: H 78 x W 45 x D 54 cm

  • Weight: 14,5 kg




Brevi Child Car Seat Kimi Isofix tt





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最後歷經由澳洲、日本、韓國、香港、泰國、澳門、紐西蘭共七國代表閉門投票後,成功擊敗勁敵蒙古,拿下兩年一度的2020 第20 屆亞太盃國際飛鏢錦標賽WDF 20th Asia Pacific Cup 在台的主辦權,中華民國競技飛鏢總會祕書長馮勝賢表示,「我們很高興也榮幸能立身於此一歷史性的重要時刻,這是來自世界國際組織、殊堪紀念的肯定;未來我們勢必有更多機會,從亞洲出發,在全球性的飛鏢舞台上扮演更重要的角色、承辦更多世界級的賽事,並期盼將我國優良的體育精神及傳統,透過飛鏢運動交流傳播到世界的每個角落。」

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Brevi Child Car Seat Kimi Isofix tt

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