2008-07-26 12:23:53desperado

To My Japanese Friends--- Tadao and Shimula Yu---

1. \To Tadao.\

I'm so glad that you still remember me. Especially when you were already to fly back to Japan, and you still called me and sent me a text message to say thank you for everything.

Sorry about my blog isn't English Version. It's so crappy...
I'm considering that I should use a new website written in English, ortherwise the friends of mine who can't understand Chinese or Mandrid can explore my person website.

"Ki Yo Tsz Ke De!!!"

This is what I want to say to you. Hope you can find it.
If I fly to Japan next summer, I'll visit you in Nogoya without any hesitate. On the other hand, please say hello or ni hao to me while you come to Taiwan.
2.\To Shimula Yu\

You're really amazing to me. I'm so happy I could see you again before you flew to Taiwan to continue your trip for almost 3 years.
Your idea and the way of your life really impressed me a lot. Moreover, you are the first Japanese whose English is very very excellent.
I do believe you still can get the qualification of being a flight mecheranic(wrong spelling, sorry)
I'm not sure that I will visit my website or not. I still want to tell you that hope I can see you again in "Sen Dai". By that time, please show me around.

De Wa, Lai Nien