Yup, a beautiful story they were. The beauty of the memory. I`m so lucky that my wife stop flying... Enjoy the life! Big hug to the one you love!
需要更多勇氣 沒有天生的堅強 只有一次次硬扛 有人說,小孩子才仰天大哭,成年人的世界,早就都調成了靜音模式,連崩潰也
思緒有時會當機, 忽然激發想像力, 催眠自己騙自己, 鏡花水月幻想裡。
手指數一數,你當時在社軟公怖你人已抵達國外打拼,距今已三個月了;再數一數我們的最後見面,距今已八個月了。 剛開始跟你分開的痛
Yup, a beautiful story they were.
The beauty of the memory.
I`m so lucky that my wife stop flying...
Enjoy the life! Big hug to the one you love!
tks :) 2007-12-29 16:21:59