nothing more in this life
and I MUST try to improve and change it
everyone is useful in the way they dream of.
I believe so and doing so ....
good for you! that’s a good resolution to make for the new year~
見面招呼對我笑 當下沒能再多聊 人會貪心想多要 想要關係變更好
每個人必須限制自己的責任範圍,過多的責任導致不負責。摘自赫爾曼.布洛赫《無罪者》 6K,42分鐘。仍然要很拼才能達標。不知道能否
親愛的塔羅朋友與網友們好,由於工作日益繁忙的緣故,於2024/11/2開始,就沒有再持續更新每日兔語,敬請見諒;從即日起,塔羅樂玉兔子的部 原來,禁食工省錢最適合我,有工沒工卧床,也可應用到。
1º. Bal b/f 108,895KM-108,895KM=Finished 2º. Bal b/f 8,997,852KM-7KM=8,997,845KM Bal c/f 3º. Bal b/f 39,980
good for you! that’s a good resolution to make for the new year~