2012-10-22 19:22:09→☆ 魅格格 ★←

★Tina & Aom粉絲見面報名開跑了- 2012/11/05截止。★


相信各位期待已久的Aom & Tina即將來台與各粉絲進行見面互動會,本團已和兩位經紀人已敲定行程時間將於12月21~23日來台!!現於本團已再進行準備作業中,若想與Aom & Tina相見互動歡迎報名參加。本次活動採與門票式入場,即將酌收新台幣1000元整報名費,費用裡含(見面會活動費用單+ 精美小冊子一本)!!若是內地的親們將酌收550元人民幣費用裡含(見面會活動費用+精美小冊子一本+一天的住宿,含匯款手續費)歡迎大家踴躍報名參加!!匯款成功後,請將您的帳號、姓名、電話、地址寄到本粉絲團信箱E-mail:tinaomean2012@yahoo.com.tw





★ 因為Aom近期戲約不斷,所以必須將12月的見面會提前到11/10~11/11★ 




匯入戶名: 林絲涵

匯入帳號: 420 168 202 295

地址: 台北市經貿二路66號10樓

銀行名稱: 富邦銀行(南港分行)

銀行代碼: 012-4209

銀行地址: 台北市三重路19之5號




It is believed that most of you have been waiting for the forthcoming meeting with Aom & Tina in Taiwan, and the club had negotiated with the two brokers that the timeframe will be from December 21st to 23rd! The fan club is now on the process of preparing. If you'd like to meet Aom & Tina, it is welcomed to sign up for the event. The admission ticket is required for this event. The signup fee will be 1,000 NT, which includes the ticket and an exquisite booklet!

Fans from Mainland China will need to pay 550 RMB for the signup fee which includes the ticket, an exquisite booklet, and a night of lodging. Everyone is welcomed to sign up for the event!


Fans from Mainland China will need to pay 550 RMB for the signup fee which includes the ticket, an exquisite booklet, and a night of lodging. Everyone is welcomed to sign up for the event!

Once the wire transfer is done, please send the information of bank account number, name, (mobile) phone number, and the address to the E-mail address of the fan club: tinaomean2012@yahoo.com.tw


The seating will be arranged based on the order of wire transfer.


Full refund is deserved for any force majeure.


*Deadline for the sign up: December 10th, 2012

*Information: Fans from overseas please wire transfer before November 15th, 2012 in order to reserve the hotel room because of the room shortage before Christmas.


[Information for wire transfer]

Account Name: Lin Si Han

Account Number: 420 168 202 295

Address: The 10th floor of the Taipei Economic and Trade Road 66.

Tel: 0988-679-983、[0986-381-272(Anna)]、[0917-375-009(Skye)] 

Bank Name: Fubon Financial

Bank Code: 012-4209

Bank Address: Taipei triple road 19 of the 5th.








姓名:xxx     xxx






                                              Tinaomean Taiwan fans club 上 ^^
