2007-11-30 16:32:57Sherry
看來自我寫了命理的困擾之後 有不少人關心 甚至擔心我跟Joey的情況 大方公開幾封我們最近往返的信給大家安心一下吧 至少可看到我們之間還是有令人感動的時刻 雖然有時候我也搞不懂他在感動什麼 就像有時會搞不懂他在生什麼氣一樣...
自從回台後 我一下子就把美國的節慶拋諸腦後 萬聖節 甚至感恩節都沒記住 全是在他e-mail提及後才想到 以下是他的來信 談到感恩節...
I baked the duck in the oven, too cold outside (-10C). (今年他以鴨代替火雞) I soaked it for 2 hours in a marinade I concocted with some smoke flavor of hickory. Used the last of the cauliflower & broccoli in the stuffing, had a sweet potato with regular potatoes and our carrots you diced up. (以上提及的蔬菜 都是我~們種的) was a very delicious turn out. I am so stuffed right now!! (有吃飽就好 這樣就不會靠吆了)
Shannon invited me over for dessert and so I went there, they had three different pies and ice cream so I got a little of each (pumpkin, cherry & apple). Chris said he made them, they were still yummy...(感恩節他老弟夫妻倆邀他過去共享甜點)
is my selfishness in the way of us having a lucrative business? would you be more happy with us living in Taiwan?(現在對他提及回台定居的事 我已經不再會跟著心起波瀾了) i’m not sure what to do really, only i am sincere with you when i say that i have no interest in gaining employment anymore. just want to do my own thing for the rest of my life. as long as we can be together most of the time.
Love Hubby
感恩節後 可能是罪惡感作祟 想給他一封信亡羊補牢一下 順便示範 讓他知道什麼叫做感恩節 就不小心給他寫出一篇讓他哽咽落淚的信來囉 來看看我感人肺腑的信及他的感動吧
Subject: I’m thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving!(亡羊補牢 聊勝於無)
Glad to know you had a great meal and some yummy dessert with Shannon and Chris. So, it was at their place but not Mom’s?
No, you’re not in the way of anything. I’m thankful for having so many opportunities to earn money, but I don’t think I should take it. Without Blanca, going on her business would be full of too many sad memories...(對友人的悲傷記憶 就不要再提了)
I know you don’t want to get employed anymore. But I don’t mind going out to work. I’m still young enough to keep working and I enjoy working. I never thought I was working for others as I got paid as well. When I still have the ability, it’s always good to do something even it’s for others. To me, it’s always better to do something for others than others for me. No matter what I do, I can learn something from doing it and it’s mine, my own experiences. Maybe I should be thankful for getting paid to learn something. I’m also thankful for having met you and had the different life there, which made me learn something and see something different as well. I accept whatever coming to me no matter it’s good or not. Because I know there’s always something good and something bad about life and I cannot just want the good part and avoid the bad one. I wish you could know me more. But if not, I’m still thankful to have you in my life to share something with me. Thankful to have you be my Hubby!(感恩節應景的話是一定要的啦 尤其是在前面講了一堆教條的話之後)
Love Wife
Good Morning Wife,
This email is special to me as I’ve never had anybody tell me what you did about your true feelings of me, our relationship.(不是我沒提過 我看是他故意漠視或忘記) I cried of happy/joyful tears as I read your thankfulness.(看 我不在身邊 他就要哭了) That is why I didn’t respond right away as I was still choked up on as to what to reply. (還在哽咽中咧) I do love you dearly Wife and I know you enjoy working for others as I did (probably still do if I didn’t hurt), but I’d like to have you in my physical life as well (mostly). I do know you more than you realize,(不在他身邊 他才會試著了解我啦) it’s just that our circumstances don’t permit an opportunity for you to show me and Yes, I do see the little things you did(因為他曾提到他得自行煮飯 洗碗 洗衣 整理家務 還要兼顧學校課業...很忙碌 我就趁機提醒他我在家的好處 這證明我還是有在做事 可不是閒婦一個) and I have mentally as well as verbally told others in pride of my having such a thoughtful person as my Wife!(終於又發現老婆的一項好處)
Have a wonderful day Wife, as you are a wonderful person in my eyes!!!(歹勢歹勢 再來誇耀一下 我不只在他眼裡是個wonderful person 應該在大家眼中都是吧 哇哈哈哈~哈)
Love Hubby
像我說的 我們是平凡夫妻 會吵架 也會合好 這次回台 並不是為了要逃避他(雖然回台前碰巧有吵架) 以後的事 以後再說 我們要活在當下 大家放寬心吧
自從回台後 我一下子就把美國的節慶拋諸腦後 萬聖節 甚至感恩節都沒記住 全是在他e-mail提及後才想到 以下是他的來信 談到感恩節...
I baked the duck in the oven, too cold outside (-10C). (今年他以鴨代替火雞) I soaked it for 2 hours in a marinade I concocted with some smoke flavor of hickory. Used the last of the cauliflower & broccoli in the stuffing, had a sweet potato with regular potatoes and our carrots you diced up. (以上提及的蔬菜 都是我~們種的) was a very delicious turn out. I am so stuffed right now!! (有吃飽就好 這樣就不會靠吆了)
Shannon invited me over for dessert and so I went there, they had three different pies and ice cream so I got a little of each (pumpkin, cherry & apple). Chris said he made them, they were still yummy...(感恩節他老弟夫妻倆邀他過去共享甜點)
is my selfishness in the way of us having a lucrative business? would you be more happy with us living in Taiwan?(現在對他提及回台定居的事 我已經不再會跟著心起波瀾了) i’m not sure what to do really, only i am sincere with you when i say that i have no interest in gaining employment anymore. just want to do my own thing for the rest of my life. as long as we can be together most of the time.
Love Hubby
感恩節後 可能是罪惡感作祟 想給他一封信亡羊補牢一下 順便示範 讓他知道什麼叫做感恩節 就不小心給他寫出一篇讓他哽咽落淚的信來囉 來看看我感人肺腑的信及他的感動吧
Subject: I’m thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving!(亡羊補牢 聊勝於無)
Glad to know you had a great meal and some yummy dessert with Shannon and Chris. So, it was at their place but not Mom’s?
No, you’re not in the way of anything. I’m thankful for having so many opportunities to earn money, but I don’t think I should take it. Without Blanca, going on her business would be full of too many sad memories...(對友人的悲傷記憶 就不要再提了)
I know you don’t want to get employed anymore. But I don’t mind going out to work. I’m still young enough to keep working and I enjoy working. I never thought I was working for others as I got paid as well. When I still have the ability, it’s always good to do something even it’s for others. To me, it’s always better to do something for others than others for me. No matter what I do, I can learn something from doing it and it’s mine, my own experiences. Maybe I should be thankful for getting paid to learn something. I’m also thankful for having met you and had the different life there, which made me learn something and see something different as well. I accept whatever coming to me no matter it’s good or not. Because I know there’s always something good and something bad about life and I cannot just want the good part and avoid the bad one. I wish you could know me more. But if not, I’m still thankful to have you in my life to share something with me. Thankful to have you be my Hubby!(感恩節應景的話是一定要的啦 尤其是在前面講了一堆教條的話之後)
Love Wife
Good Morning Wife,
This email is special to me as I’ve never had anybody tell me what you did about your true feelings of me, our relationship.(不是我沒提過 我看是他故意漠視或忘記) I cried of happy/joyful tears as I read your thankfulness.(看 我不在身邊 他就要哭了) That is why I didn’t respond right away as I was still choked up on as to what to reply. (還在哽咽中咧) I do love you dearly Wife and I know you enjoy working for others as I did (probably still do if I didn’t hurt), but I’d like to have you in my physical life as well (mostly). I do know you more than you realize,(不在他身邊 他才會試著了解我啦) it’s just that our circumstances don’t permit an opportunity for you to show me and Yes, I do see the little things you did(因為他曾提到他得自行煮飯 洗碗 洗衣 整理家務 還要兼顧學校課業...很忙碌 我就趁機提醒他我在家的好處 這證明我還是有在做事 可不是閒婦一個) and I have mentally as well as verbally told others in pride of my having such a thoughtful person as my Wife!(終於又發現老婆的一項好處)
Have a wonderful day Wife, as you are a wonderful person in my eyes!!!(歹勢歹勢 再來誇耀一下 我不只在他眼裡是個wonderful person 應該在大家眼中都是吧 哇哈哈哈~哈)
Love Hubby
像我說的 我們是平凡夫妻 會吵架 也會合好 這次回台 並不是為了要逃避他(雖然回台前碰巧有吵架) 以後的事 以後再說 我們要活在當下 大家放寬心吧
傷腦筋 我剛剛又冒險進去瞧瞧 才看完一篇 都還來不及留言 就被踢出了...你們是怎麼習慣的啊
2007-12-18 16:43:32
不知耶 以前電腦跟他人網站不相容的情形有出現過 不穩的情況時好時壞 後來不怕死多試幾次後就ok了 回台後這情況還是第一次 下次再試試囉
2007-12-17 10:24:41