2009-08-06 00:46:15minishark小麥

Why don’t you support gay marriage?

    Why don't you support gay marriage?!                                                 By Yuling Huang

If two people love each other, should they be allowed the same right, privilege and responsibilities, no matter their gender?! This controversial topic reveal in recent years that the gay community is try to strive for the right of marriage. However there are some main reasons whay you should support gay marriage.

 Because the majority of people who assimilate the wrong information is from church and the church is opposing that is morally wrong and it is sin. However, driving people away from god and way from the church is not the church's job. First of all, the church should stop their fruitless and sinful attempts to force people into and should preach to them the love of god, not the hatred of misinformed theology, only a change of heart and spirit is what is important and will create the true change.

 Moreover, from my research, the Canadian Unitarian Council hails the recent statement from the Canadian Psychological Association that children raised by gay parents show almost no differences from other children. Unitarian clergy have researched that they and their children feel much more secure when their union has legal recognition. There has been a lot of research in the last twenty years looking at the effect on children of growing up with two moms or two dads, and the effects is zero. Gay parents do not cause children to be confused about their sexual identity. Actually, on average, in many studies, the children do better than children from heterosexual marriage.

Finally, if legally married gay couples would have a greater ability to care for and protect their families such as raise children together, take bereavement leave when a partner or child die, obtain divorce protection such as community property and child support. These are essential to make all families safer and more secure.

Overall, the most obvious advantage of same sex marriage is the hope that society, including but not limited to, our families, school, and churches, will not only accept the relationship, but the homosexuality as normal.



( Love has many shapes and colors, and is not finite. It can be measured or defined in terms of sexual orientation)

