2006-01-23 23:38:58Renee小姐

Do we need Respect Action Plan?

英國首相布萊爾日前發表一項法案名為尊重行動專案(Respect Action Plan),希望重建社會秩序,打擊反社會現象,預計要花上新台幣45億。布萊爾說,傳統的價值觀瓦解,過去的社會秩序已不存在。「保障罪犯權益」與「保障大眾權益」兩者間必須取得平衡。面對「家庭問題」與「街頭犯罪」大幅成長,布萊爾認為,「尊重」是唯一的方式,來面對解決所有生活中會遇到的問題。





附上Respect Action Plan 布萊爾演說摘要。來源:BBC網站

Respect is a way of describing the very possibility of life in a community. It is about the consideration that others are due. It is about the duty I have to respect the rights that you hold dear. And vice-versa. It is about our reciprocal belonging to a society, the covenant that we have with one another.

More grandly, it is the answer to the most fundamental question of all in politics which is: how do we live together? From the theorists of the Roman state to its fullest expression in Hobbes’s Leviathan, the central question of political theory was just this: how do we ensure order? And what are the respective roles of individuals, communities and the state?