2007-12-28 17:29:33Mingson


昨天先到醫院抽血檢驗, 今天門診看結果. 黃疸指數持續下降至3.69, 雖然尚未恢復為正常, 但醫師已提出幾種用藥說明, 待下週決定是否開始吃藥治療.

各種癌症口服藥均有明顯副作用, 我認為我現在狀況還好尚可如常人活動自如, 只是不能有劇烈運動. 一旦吃藥後, 療效及副作用均為未知數, 連醫生都無法有明確答案.

其實早在住院時我就已經考慮過, 與其去吃無法知道效果的藥甚至引發副作用, 倒不如就靜觀其變, 每日均衡飲食搭配養生蔬果汁, 做些簡單運動, 充分休息, 也許最差就是這樣了.

關心及慰問由四面八方而來, 無法一一答謝, 在此感謝大家. 我已被迫提早退休, 接下來就用意志力來對抗癌細胞了. 我會全力以赴, 祝大家新年快樂.
Helen Kok 2008-01-04 10:34:03

Dear Mingson
At least you can now put a name to the &quotenemy&quot that has been affecting your health the past months.

As with all others, you are in our thoughts and prayers in conquering this.


SK 2008-01-04 10:27:29

Hi Mingson, I am saddened by this news. The way to beat this illness is to be optimistic,lots of rest and medication. Please keep us posted and I will check on you. You are in my prayers.

David Chu 2008-01-04 09:23:28


加油!這是上天給予您的考驗, 相信您是有毅力且勇敢面對的人,加油!!

David Chu