2007-07-25 11:43:33MindMap

【影音地圖-Someday Soon...】

”I hope we will meet again, one day........”
在雙向道上, 我們各自往回走
你向我提出見面的邀請, 我沒有回答...
但我在心裡OS:Someday Soon, when I prepared.

是我繼KT Tunstall最喜歡的另一位倫敦女創作歌手---
Nerina Pallot
歌手簡介 ---

原名 : Nerina Natasha Georgina Pallot
生日 : 1975/4/26
多才多藝的英國女歌手兼作曲者 , 出生於倫敦 .
出過兩張專輯 : Dear Frustrated Superstar( 2004 年發行 )
Fires ( 2005 年 4 月發行 )


Nerina的童年時光在印度度過,從小沉浸在母親的西塔琴大師Ravi Shanker的樂聲中,在11歲花零用錢買吉他之前,她可是跟家裡的鋼琴形影不離呢!12歲的時候,她開始著魔於搖滾樂,從最流行的Bon Jovi到最另類的Stone Roses都聽,此時,她決定再給父母親的唱片蒐藏一次機會,這回,她翻到了Simon & Garfunkel的精選輯,還有Carole King的「Tapestry」,她認為光憑Paul Simon寫的”The Boxer”這首歌,就該頒一座諾貝爾獎給Paul Simon,而她也粉愛Carole簡單的歌曲調子,她甚至還從Carole有點逗趣的歌聲中找到了對自己的歌聲的自信。隨後,Nerina到英國就讀,在這段期間,她學了小提琴,大提琴與古典鋼琴,還唱起歌劇,但是,當她發現自己所喜愛的歌曲大多都是用吉他彈奏的時候,吉他又成了她的最愛樂器。

2001年,Nerina在Polydor廠牌發行了首張專輯《Dear Frustrated Superstar》,不過由於跟唱片公司的意見相左,首張專輯就莫名的在唱片市場中消失了。2005年4月,Nerina索性自創Idaho廠牌,發行了第2張專輯《Fires》,專輯發行後,她展開巡迴演唱造勢,陸續與Sheryl Crow、James Blunt等人同台開唱,經過一年的努力,終於得到另一家唱片公司的賞識,加盟了旗下擁有Damien Rice的14th Floor廠牌。

2006年春季,《Fires》重新上架。專輯中的所有歌曲都是出自Nerina,專輯由2006年新婚的製作人老公Howard Willing (The Smashing Pumpkins)擔任統籌製作,並同時邀得Tori Amos專輯製作人Eric Rosse,Prince & The Revolution成員Wendy Melvoin等協力製作。首支挺進英國金榜第14名的<Everybody`s Gone To War>是她寫給被徵召到伊拉克打仗的朋友的歌曲,她在歌曲中表達「這世上真得沒有什麼事情是值得大家上戰場,拼個你死我活的!」。專輯中不乏多首寫情佳作,像是彌漫著哀淒氛圍,描寫對於一段早已破裂的愛情關係的不捨與依戀的<Damascus>,滿佈著失落情緒的<Sophia>,還有散發著流浪感覺的流行弦樂大作<Idaho>都是值得反覆聆聽的歌曲。

Nerina Pallot 的 Blog : http://www.nerinapallot.com/pt/blog/

音樂欣賞 : http://www.last.fm/music/Nerina+Pallot/_/Someday+Soon

This song is for you,

”Someday Soon”

Guess it’s true -
I only ever wanted to be with you.
And now I find i’ve lost my way to go...
I always mess it up
You should have known i’m not reliable.
And now, when i’m tired,
I can’t get to sleep.
Oh, My thoughts won’t desert me
And I cannot dream.
The colours haved changed, only grey in my life
Now my sense of belonging has gone with my smile...

But I know someday soon
I will get home
I know someday soon
I won’t be alone
I know someday soon
I will get home
And I know someday soon
I won’t be alone

Is this my life?
Is this the product of the years i’ve tried
So very hard yet I can’t make a choice
And when I find the words,
I’ve lost my voice - I’m still a quiet one...
But you know my river
And it still runs deep
A hundred and thousand more secrets to keep...
I’m waiting for answers I know are inside
Now my teacher is here I can open my eyes...

But I know someday soon
I will get home

I know someday soon
I won’t be alone
I know someday soon
I will get home
I know someday soon,
(Gotta get home, gotta get) X5

You know my river
And it still runs deep
A hundred and thousand more secrets to keep...
I’m waiting for answers I know are inside
Now my teacher is here I can open my eyes...

I know that someday soon
I will get home
I know someday soon
I won’t be alone
I know that someday soon
I will get home
I know that someday soon

Yes I know someday soon
I will get home
I know someday soon
I won’t be alone
I know that someday soon
I will get home
I know that someday soon
I won’t be alone.

No I won’t be alone...
No, no
(I gotta get home now...) x2