2003-06-11 13:41:34小傑

2003.05.30 -電影聚餐、姊姊

今天,跟一些NYC2003的朋友去聚餐~~順便去看電影~~How to lost a guy in 10 days....it is a great movie....but today, I am not going to discuss about the movie things or the gatherings....I want to talk about my newly-acquanted sister...Ladys and Gentleman, this is my lovely sister....Cristie....

倩玉姊姊~~是今年跟我一樣要去Poly的同學,但是~~因為她德高望重的經歷~~和她在蘊藏在年輕美麗外表之下的智慧,讓我心悅誠服的被她收為小弟~~~~Maybe she is going to be my family in NY....倩玉姊姊的心地善良,人非常的好~~對我也是照顧有家~~~^_^ I am very glad to have such a wonderful sister....But I am not familiar with her right now....However, I am sure I will know her more in the future...

PS. 我們會變成姐弟的原因~~就是~~她也性謝~~現在大家都稱她Alan姐