2004-10-13 15:22:32小麥(Radha)

Ash hit No.1 at UK Box Office

Ash hit No.1 at UK Box Office

It was a good weekend for dancing India maidens and psychotic serial killers with a penchant for DIY tools. Nope , we're not talking Saturday night round Helen's , but in fact the latest set of UK box office figures.

Gurinder Chadha's Bride And Prejudice sashayed into the running in glorious style , turning its back on largely indifferent review to hit the top spot and ring up £1.7 million in just under a week. It's the second major hit for Chadha after Bend It Like Backham , and especially impressive – Bollywood films tend to hit the Top 15 fairly regularly these days , and the movie was loaded with close-over appeal , while star Aishwarya Rai was simply everywhere. It should hold up well over the coming week.

Saw , in running-up position , was equally star-less but capitalized on its high-concept set-up (two man chained in a room with hacksaw as their only means of escape ) to lure in intrigued audiences. Well , it was either that or the pun-tastic poster line from Empire , which , it seems , succeeded in daring people to see Saw ( geddit ?). In it second week , the grisly horror has so far racked up £3 million – a sure sign that the dark gloom of impeding winter is a turn-on for scare-seeking moviegoers. Wimbledon continued to make a racquet (ahem) in third place , with a tally of £5.6 million to date – good but not great by Working Title standards – while Resident Evil : Apocalyse lurched into the running with an underperforming £801,171.

Even a pack of gurning zombies , however , proved more appealing for UK audiences than the prospect of seeing Denzel Washington shove a bomb up a man's bottom . The Christopher Walken extravaganza that is Men On Fire had an especially rough first week , making only £656,466 –which frankly baffled us , as it's probably the best film on release right now. So get out there and indulge your inner vigilante.

But the main casualty this week was one of the year's brightest hopes : Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow. Featuring established stars and groundbreaking special effects , the movie had fanboys slavering but has bombed with everyone else , making just over £1 million in two weeks.

Elsewhere , East and gangster flick Layer Cake and Eastern martial arts saga Hero continue to defy expectations – one's got first-time director and the other has subtitle – to earn a running tally of £2.4 million and £2.8 million respectively. Not bad at all .

p.s Aish 第一部國際性的電影本週在英國上映了,第一周就直接拿下了冠軍,她在坎城影展連續三年露面,也大大打開了她在歐洲的知名度,Aish的國際舞台己經一點點地在展開了。

pic . Aish vs director of Bride And Prejudice .