2014-07-21 09:00:00美爾頓英語

多益聽力大考驗--- Part 3「會話題」應考訣竅 (三)--- 辨認陷阱

今天要教大家辨認多益聽力Part 3中的常見陷阱,在介紹陷阱之前,請大家看一下這篇對話:


Man:        Can you help me with this report? I’m having a hard time 

               formatting it.

Woman:   Well, I don’t know much about the program you’re using, but 

               Robert might be more help. He’s great at making documents 

               look their best. He knows how to fix reports up quick.

Man:        Thanks! I’ll give him a call right now. My deadline for it is 

               tomorrow’s meeting.

Woman:   Oh no, that reminds me—I need to print my report for a meeting 

               in an hour!


1.      主角陷阱(Wrong Person)



Example:        Q: What will the man do next?

                     A: He will print a report.

     → Wrong: The woman will print a report.


2.      重述陷阱(Incorrect Paraphrase)



Example:        Q: Why can’t the woman help the man?

                     A: She doesn’t like working with a particular program.

     → Wrong: She is not good with a particular program.


3.      主題陷阱(Topic-Related)



Example:        Q: What will the man do next?

                     A: Go on a coffee break.

     → Wrong: something people do at work.


4.      動詞陷阱(Wrong Person)



Example:        Q: Why is the man asking for help?

                     A: It’s too hard to fix the program.

                               Wrong: “use”

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