2005-08-16 09:20:09地獄之火

Marilyn Monroe

上星期的 The Sunday Times 有篇報導是關於 Marilyn Monroe 的心理諮詢錄音,標題為:「瑪麗蓮夢露在躺椅上顯示出她的聰明面」(reveals her smart side on the couch)

首先,Marilyn 其實是比 Germaine Greer 更早開始追求女性性高潮的權利的,而且有一次她提到有一晚要跟當時著名的性感女星 Joan Crawford 上床,結果 Joan Crawford 嚇得像瘋了一樣,Marilyn Monroe 於是得出了一個好笑的結論:「她(Crawford)教書應該會比演戲還好」(Crawford shrieked like a maniac... she could teach more than acting.)

另外,Marilyn 也很清楚自己對於甘乃迪兄弟而言只是個性玩物:「當他(Bobby)開始跟這個大家都夢寐以求的身體做愛時,他內在的天主教道德教義開始要為他自己背叛太太的行為找到正當性,所以『愛情』就變成了他拿來使用的藉口。」(When [Bobby] starts having sex with the body all men want, his Catholic morality has to find a way to justify cheating on his wife. So love becomes his excuse.)
