2011-10-10 01:09:53miki

10/8.9 AIESEC NC

 This is my first to join the AIESEC NC .

NOW , i am very very very happy that i can jion this NC .

when i know i am the 3rd's member , i was very nervous .

Because all the conference will speak English .

this is the very big challange to me .

when everyone introduction themselves i was very shock

too many member from  NTLC(台大) CCLC(政大) TPLC(北大)

OMG~~~this is my first time to chat with too many smart students .

then i feel too unconfident .

so i didn't how to say my feeling and what i think in my mind like my ideal .

and really want to know how the  NTLC `CCLC ` TPLC 's student think about MCLC .

i afraid i say somethig that think wow it's too foolish or stupid .

so when i know there are the Taiwan's top university's student i really want to go home .



         The First Day

When the agnda is begining

the most important is AIESEC dance .

wow evey team leder and the other MC's member (台灣總會) was very excited and enjoy the AIESEC dance .

In the "The AIESEC Way & 2015"

the speaker was very good language ability and excellent logic .

i was very want to like with her

In "Function Skill Training"

the speaker was very good too .

that me more realized the project member what to do in the department .

and teach more skill to ours .

in this section has a team report , our team's topic is "Aboriginal"

that i think what i can to help the aboriginal to develop their culture ,food , etc .

we have to create a project that the EP can do what in the Aborginal village .

In the "Me & Impact "

they has two people talk to us why they want to join AIESEC and what they join the GCDP(海外實習計畫) to learn . to share with us .

At night , has a very interesting game called " beer game " 

in that game i drink a cup od beer , i'm so sad that i just drink one .

becaues i want to know how i can drink XDDD .


           The second day

I'm very so to our team leader becauce room501's all member was sleep too late ,cause you a lot of trouble . I'm very to Jasper .

In "External Speech "

they invited the 廣達HR(人力資源)

say about the company's goal and some experience .

it's important to know the company that can halp us to more realize the society trend .

but this section is some boring .

In the most section is " X Simulation "

it is that every one can join and practice the project's flow

this section is let me more uspet and more confuse .

i really want to give up

i try three times to introduce the progect was rejected by the team support .

i really really really sad ,but in this three times interview i was improved my ability .

although i didn't achieve the goal but i learn alot .

and this section i really thank to MAX , JUNKIE that two handsome guys ,

they really heip alot ,when i feel upset they encourage me .

that me have more confidence .


             Suger cube time 

怡云:i really happy to meet you , you are really cute and beautiful , in the X simulation i'm really thank to you help me alot , i hope we can have more contact to each other .

Cindy: in the beer game we talk each other a lot of school's funny event and that me more realize the WZ , you are a very kind girls . 

盈珺:in this NC we didn't talk to each other anymore , this is my first to meet u and then i sleep with u haha it's funny . (and the end we eat dinner together i feel more interesting )

Seephanie: you are a beautiful girl and havs a smat brain , in the X simulation you are the first member to pass the interview , you are really excellent , i think you can be a  good CEO other manager in the society .

 Clandia:in the team report you have the leadership in this team , i think you can be a good CEO or other manger in the society .

Max:i really thank to you give me a loy of your experience in the interview otherwise i can't trust i can do that . when you dance you are very cute .XD

Alan : in this two days i didn't say anything to you because i don't know what i can say , but i hope we can more better than now .

Junkie: i really thank to you give me your interview's experience . and give me some advice to me let me can do it better . Thank you !!

Jasper:Thank you for teach , in this two days i have a lot of question  you are patient to talk to me ,and in the second i'm very sorry that all the member in room501 was sleep late cause you trouble , but in this two days i really learn a lot that will thanks to you ~~!!! Thank you Jasper !!::


                   The end

i receive my team member's sugar cube

that is the first time i receieve the most card is my life .

and i see the card i feel very very happy and touching

i really really proud that i can meet you everybody .

a one card says 你表現的不錯阿!!

that sentence i don't know what he really want to say about me

he just feel me i do the best or just he didn't know what he can write me or want to encourage me . 

however his sentence is really touching my heart .

so thank to Max .

i really love everyone in the team three .