2004-04-21 06:38:00京底迪

In Memory of Mr. Manny Chalikis


On behalf of ○○○ International Inc., I must sadly inform you that we have lost our dear friend and colleague Manny. As many of you may know, Manny had been battling colorectal cancer for the past year. After undergoing traditional treatments of chemotherapy & radiation, he required additional surgery which took place on Monday, April 12th. Manny never recovered from the surgery and passed away on Saturday morning, April, 17th.

Manny will be missed dearly by all of us who were fortunate enough to know him. His unselfish ways and the true dedication he put into everything he did from his heart. His honesty and loyalty always shined through. There are so many more good things to say about Manny. Too many to start listing them all.

Please note that Manny would have preferred that you do not send flower. As no one is prepared for such a tragedy, Manny discussed with me recently his concerns about his daughter's education in the event that he lost his battle.

任職的3年來,與眾多客戶的信件聯絡中,就屬Manny在遣詞用字及格式上最為嚴謹。他總是用"Attn: Mr. Mike Wang Dear Sir, Good morning!"做為開頭,如此尊敬的稱呼,常理來說是用在大老闆而不是我這個20多歲的小伙子身上(訃聞上寫他得年56,這時我才發現我的年紀連他的一半都不到)。讓我覺得遺憾的是平時只有傳真或e-mail的往來,而沒能見他一面握手談天也沒能親自通過電話。我想給他寫封信,並盡力幫忙有關他女兒能完成學業的遺願:

April 21 - 2004

Attn: Mr. Manny Chalikis

Hi Manny,

Good morning and good day to you!

In lieu of flowers, I will try my best to collect from colleagues and to make today the donation by wire transfer so to help your daughter's educational future.

Kind regards,
Mike Wang