2015-07-11 10:27:00michael283ni
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不花錢學英文網站 線上一對一教學《中英對照讀新聞》Cash blasts Wimbledon’s ’ridiculous’ underwear rule 凱許砲轟溫布頓「荒謬的」內衣規定
2014-07-03◎國際新聞中心Former Wimbledon champion Pat Cash blasted the All England Club, saying they were being over-zealous with the all-white dress code which he claims has forced some women players to even change their bras. "It has absolutely gone ridiculous," the Australian said.前溫布頓冠軍凱許砲轟全英俱樂部說,他們太過於執著全白的衣著守則,一些女性球員甚至被迫要更換內衣。這位澳洲人說:「絕對到了荒謬的地步。」The 1987 champion claimed some players have been ordered to change their underwear if it was not entirely white. Some women have been sent back to "change their bras and tops because they had slight colour on them", he told BBC radio.這位1987年冠軍宣稱,部分球員如果不是全身上下都白,會被要求更換內衣。他告訴英國廣播公司電台,部分女性被送回去「換胸罩與上衣,因為它們有一丁點顏色」。The 49-year-old said he thought some players did not have sports bras that would pass muster and had to go without them. He also claimed one player was hauled into the referees’ office because his blue underwear "showed through when he got sweaty".49歲的凱許說,他認為,一些球員沒有合乎標準的運動內衣,得不穿內衣就上場。他也宣稱,1名球員被拖進裁判辦公室,因為「他流汗時,會透出」藍色內褲的顏色。A Wimbledon spokeswoman said all competitors had been given written notice of the Championships’ clothing rules. Caps, headbands, bandanas, wristbands and socks must be totally white.溫布頓1位女發言人說,所有參賽者都拿到註明這項錦標賽衣著規定的書面通知單。帽子、頭帶、頭巾、護腕與襪子都必須全白。新聞辭典blast:動詞,抨擊。例句:The government was blasted by the opposition for failing to reduce inflation .(反對派抨擊政府未能降低通貨膨脹。)pass muster:片語,達到要求。例句:New teams won’t be admitted to the league if their stadiums don’t pass muster .(新球隊的體育館如果未達標準,不得獲准進入聯盟。)haul:動詞,用力拖拉。例句:She hauled herself up into the tree .(她使勁爬上樹。)
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