2011-09-14 17:06:14亞里斯多德




導演: 史都華拉斐爾(Stewart Raffill)
演員: 麥可派瑞  南茜艾倫  鮑比狄西奇歐

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Philadelphia Experiment

Back in high school, I remember hearing from some buddies about a World War II era effort to cloak our battleships from enemy radar. The last phase of this involved an experiment in Philadelphia with a fully staffed battleship that was subjected to some type of energy field. The program was then terminated, and a set of urban legends arose regarding this event which came to be known as the Philadelphia Experiment (follow the link to Wikipedia for more info). Some of the post experiment claims my friends talked about were reports of sailors phasing in and out of existence and sometimes materializing within solid matter, even days after the event. Some of them reportedly went crazy. It turns out that the entire program is probably a myth as the Navy denies it ever existed, but it did capture my imagination at the time.

So I was glad when I heard a few years later that a film was out that was based on the incident, called simply The Philadelphia Experiment. I don't know what I had expected it to be, but I do remember that I enjoyed the film. It was a kind of a mix between a traditional sci-fi story and a heart-warming drama, and that is all I could remember of it. Thus, I looked it up on Netflix and found it available for instant viewing and watched it again. I found my opinion hadn't changed much, so here goes.

First, the science fiction backdrop of the story is actually not bad at all. You have the connection to the myth in 1943 as an anchor, and then a wormhole of sorts that connects to 1984 (the year the film was released). I remember thinking that was a rather arbitrary coincidence until you find out later on that it is the same scientist performing the same type of experiment in 1984 that causes the link, and that very neatly closes the loop. Two of the sailors from 1943 abandon the ship and end up falling into the future. One of them gets pulled back but the other has to find his way back home. It turns out that the wormhole in '84 won't close up and is threatening to suck the world into it. The hole, it is said, won't close due to an energy source from the other side. That energy source is the field generator in the battleship which never got shut down, and our hero must go back in to complete the job and save the world. Yes, it sounds crazy but it has a logic to it. If the wormhole was created by the second experiment in '84, then if the guy who actually shut down the generator in '43 now gets sucked into the future, history has now been changed by the precise event that would have caused the wormhole to close. Thus, the only way to fix the problem is to shut it down from the '84 side, which paradoxically fulfills the shutdown that orginally happened in '43. The best guy for that job is the one who was supposed to have done it in the first place. Make sense?

The first thing I like is that the story has such balance. Where most science fiction would focus on the scientist and his experiment, this one focuses on the two navy boys who get caught up in the fray. These are just simple guys with a bit of military training that comes in handy in a fix. The story arc that involves the two friends, both past and future, and their unwitting companion, gives it some heart. In fact, the hero falls for an 80's chick and their whole relationship is quite silly and poorly acted, but it gives him a reason to return back to the future after completing his mission. The characters are developed just enough to allow the film to move quickly and stay interesting throughout its short 1:40 run. The old "fish out of water" device is utilized just enough to be cute (and dated!), but not so much as to take away from the story flow. The special effects are surreal enough to still hold up pretty good, and the pyrotechnics, sound, and wind tunnel work is all done well too. The music sounds like a typical orchestral television drama of that era plus a few 80's style pop hits, enough to get by.

Finally, I just love a time travel film that makes an effort to stay consistent and tie up all the loose ends. You see, since the main character only goes back to the past briefly and then returns to the future, there is no real chance for a paradox to develop, even though you are kept guessing about that until the end. He stays only long enough to correct the one mistake and then goes back to 1984. His friend does not stay in the future long enough to be able to affect it when he returns to the past, and his story about what happened is never believed. You sit and watch all the little facts that are revealed and then neatly resolved by the end. I would not call it a high quality piece of film making, but it is nonetheless a really well executed piece of story telling. I've also discovered John Carpenter was, interestingly, on the executive production team so it makes me wonder if that could have been a factor.
上世紀七十年代到八十年代,美國軍方進行了一系列探索時空的實驗,簡稱蒙托克計劃。蒙托克計劃的前身是1942年的費城實驗,當時雷達剛發明,美國軍方為了獲得軍艦對雷達波的隱形能力,在驅逐艦埃德裏奇號上進行實驗。軍艦的主梔幹上裝有全向天線,甲板上放有兩個能量線圈,由艦上的發電機供電。實驗一開始就發生了異變,艦上的人員變得坐立不安,只有被重重金屬屏蔽的主控室裏的人員沒有受到影響。隨後實驗的主要負責人,能量線圈的發明者,也是一名超物理學專家聲稱得到外星人的警告,建議暫緩實驗。軍方認為這個理由不能接受,於是實驗小組開始有意怠工,實驗不得不更換了主要負責人和成員後才能繼續進行。第二次和第三次實驗發生了更大的災變,甲板上的乘員驚慌失措的亂竄,有些人的身上竟冒出火來,發電機瘋狂的運轉,完全失控,最後埃德裏奇號從人們的視線中消失了,瞬間移到七千公裏外的一處地方。費城實驗被迫中止,其副產品就是發現⋯⋯了物體長距離的瞬移。 到了上世紀六十年代,一些實驗人員自發組織繼續研究,為了獲得軍方撥款,他們聲稱可以開發出控制人的精神意志的機器,在戰場上使敵方士兵投降。能量線圈的發明者,超物理學專家重新被任命為實驗的主負責人,蒙托克計劃正式啟動。計劃最先開發出一種讀心機的裝置,這種裝置有X、Y、Z三個接收通道,分別接收人體發出的電波,然後經大型計算機處理分析,就可以讀出實驗者心裏面想的內容。據說讀心機的原型機是天狼星人提供的。實驗中出現了另一名傑出的超物理學專家,也是一名超能力者鄧肯。當他坐在實驗者的椅子上時,他心裏所想的事物可以通過裝置顯現在蒙托克空軍基地的周圍,比如他心裏面想著一棟樓房時,基地的周圍就出現一棟樓房,有時候還會發生基地的玻璃被全部震碎的現象。隨著實驗的深入,發現了更多怪異的事。比如鄧肯早上心裏面想的事物,要到下午才顯現,還有基地經常發生一些沒有預兆的怪異現象,後來發現竟是鄧肯今天心裏面想的事物,提前到昨天發生。為了研究這種不能解釋的現象,研究者們重新開發出一種德爾塔天線,高三十米,寬四十米,安裝在一個深九十米的深井中。大多數情況下實驗者都是鄧肯,只有在他身體狀況不好時,才由其他超能力者代替,但天線的技術狀況要二到三天才能調整好。當鄧肯坐到實驗用的椅子上時,很快就進入失神狀態,如果他想看到1980到1990年世界上發生的大事,他進入時間隧道[1]就有可能看到。(當時實驗時間是1980年)時間隧道是一種呈螺旋進入的通道,通道的出口有亮光。出口可以通過機器編程設定,如果不事先設定,出口就是蒙托克基地的對應的地表。在時間隧道的入口,人有一種被突然拽入的感覺,在通道中碰上什麼人或什麼事都是有可能的。進入時間隧道的人,要等待通道重新打開[2]才能回到現在的時間,在通道中停滯的時間就陷入了時間的旋渦[3]中。有些進入時間隧道的人一去而不複返,是實驗發生了意外而非人為故意。實驗進行到這一步,已經不是研究人的精神控制問題,而是直接以時間為研究對象。鄧肯最終弄明白了時間隧道的性質,在進入時間隧道2/3的地方,人的靈魂和肉體會分離,這種分離會使人體受到強烈的震蕩的同時,視野也會驚人的擴大。有一些報告還指出,能感受到空間中有高級智慧生命體存在。除鄧肯外的大量人被送入時間隧道,他們中的大部份一去而不複返,返回來的就記錄下經過遭遇。後來很多流浪漢和醉漢被騙來,背著攝象機進入時間隧道,人回不來時就可以研究錄像帶。這些錄像帶都是高度機密。實驗進入人的精神領域,引起了技術人員的憂慮,他們決定暗中破壞整個計劃。他們把鄧肯編入起爆程序中,只要實驗中有人對鄧肯說一聲時間到了,就有瓦解整個計劃的力量。1982年的一天,技術人員接到不停機連續運轉的命令,幾天後出現了異常征兆,整個基地陷入混亂之中。最後驅逐艦埃德裏奇號出現在時間隧道中,那些身上著火的士兵在瘋狂逃竄,一不小心幹涉就有發生時間悖論的可能[4]。這是埃德裏奇號上的實驗系統與蒙托克計劃用的實驗系統相類似,發生共振引起的。事故最終平息了,但多年積累的技術機器也變得不可修複,蒙托克計劃終於壽終正寢了[5]。基地被永久性的封閉,所有地下室的入口用混凝土填滿,據說清理中發現了幾百具骸骨。是誰啟動了蒙托克計劃?是外星人的計劃?魔鬼的傑作?還是中央情報局的騙局?這些到現在都是個謎。[6] [1]以上是我根據雜志寫的摘要,下面是我個人的理解,供參考。時間隧道是個比較抽象的概念,要理解它必須從一維世界開始。一根直線就是一維世界,用X軸表示,再作一根直線垂直於X軸,命名為Y軸,由X軸、Y軸可以決定一個平面,這就是二維平面世界。如果要由一維世界構成二維平面世界,應該怎麼辦?最簡單的方法就是沿著Y軸畫出無數條與X軸平行的直線,這樣就可以由無數個一維世界構成一個二維平面世界。再作一根直線同時垂直於X軸、Y軸,命名為Z軸,由X軸、Y軸、Z軸可以確定出一個立體空間,這就是三維立體世界。如果要由二維平面世界構成三維立體世界,應該怎麼辦?最簡單的方法就是沿著Z軸作出無數平行於X軸、Y軸的平面,這樣就可以由無數個二維平面世界構成一個三維立體世界。再作一根直線同時垂直於X軸、Y軸、Z軸,可能嗎??現代科學認為四維超空間是由立體世界的X軸、Y軸、Z軸外加時間軸U軸構成。參考一維世界構成一個二維平面世界或二維平面世界構成一個三維立體世界的方法,四維超空間可以看作是由無數沿著時間軸U軸的三維立體世界構成。請記住這個數學理論模型。現在假設有一個二維平面世界(X,Y,Z1),上面的主導生物是一群類人生物,它們沒有視力和聽力,同時也沒有沿Z軸移動的能力,於是它們就無法感知到它們頭頂上一公裏處的與它們的世界平行的另一個二維平面世界(X,Y,Z2)。直到有一天發生了地震,二維平面世界的局部象山峰一樣向上隆起,最終與另一個二維平面世界觸碰到一起,這座山——一個近似圓筒狀的物體,就可以稱之為Z軸隧道。通過Z軸隧道,類人生物可以到達另一個二維平面世界,但如果這座山又縮小變回原來的平面,相當於Z軸隧道消失,那到達另一個二維平面世界的類人生物將再也回不到原來的二維平面世界,表現為這些類人生物在Z軸隧道中消失了。現在回到我們身處的立體世界(X,Y,Z,T1),又假設有另一個立體世界(X,Y,Z,T2),由於人類沒有對四維空間的感知能力,同時也沒有沿U軸(就是時間軸)移動的能力,所以就無法感知到另一個立體世界的存在。不過人類的科學家發現,通過巨型天線發出的強大電場和磁場,能在局部空間扭曲時間,形成一座“時間的山峰”,觸碰到另一個立體世界。通過這座“時間的山峰”,也就是U軸隧道或者時間隧道,人類就可以去另一個立體世界旅行了。蒙托克計劃中的時間隧道就是由幾個巨型天線發出的強大電磁場構成的一個立體空間通道,通道中的時間已被扭曲,這樣我們所處的立體世界的局部(也就是時間隧道內)時間坐標T1會劇烈變化為另一個立體世界的時間坐標T2。