2007-10-05 21:21:49mgci.琦鈺

form Pina Bausch to Pedro Almodovar

Dear Jennifer Tr.:

Recently I went to National Theater for Pina Bausch《Masurca Fogo》. She is Germany’s grand dame of modern dance between theatrical performances which has been an inspiration for Pedro Almodovar《Talk to Her》.

But I neither like《Masurca Fogo》nor《Talk to Her》. I have no doubt that she is so pretense…how do I describe can let you feel my feeling…maybe just like this: at first time you are so happy find a full of balloon, next time someone puncture this balloon. You can never believe so-call “great master” because you know it will hurt your heart.

I don’t like《Talk to Her》reason is I was a nurse before. I can’t accept in the hospital andro-nurse (nurseman) will do bawdy thing to his patient. I know it is so stupid but when I see this movie, I just can’t find any love and hope in it. But I very love Almodovar, who is talent about strange, eccentric comedies.

thanks for your letter, it let me the whole day forget trivial work.
and again please forgive me bad English, I major in Chinese literature, maybe next I can tell you something about Chinese tale or legend.

