2010-05-19 17:21:56 Kenny

Skype – how not to be a supernode

Skype – how not to be a supernode


skype 避免成為super node

Skype使用的是P2P技術,在這種架構下,並非每一個Skype個人端程式,在網路上的地位都是相同的,少數連線品質較好的用戶將會在不知情的 情況下,被挑選為中心伺服器,負責管理其他使用者的權限或帳號,這些伺服器在開啟Skype時,消耗的上傳頻寬將遠高於其他使用者,通常也被稱為「超級節 點(Super Node)」。

有些企業為了徹底區隔Skype網路與公司內部網路,會選擇將Skype伺服器建置在DMZ區,或是單獨使用一條網路專線,這 樣雖然能避免惡意程式以Skype伺服器為跳板,攻擊或竊取位於內部網路的伺服器或資料,不過也有可能因此成為超級節點用戶,使得企業的網路頻寬遭到 Skype個人端程式占用。

雖然使用者無法得知自己是否被挑選為超級節點,不過在Windows作業系統下,修改設定即可避免成為超級節點,以減低網路頻 寬消耗。

做法是在與Skype有關的機碼([HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Skype \Phone])中,加入"DisableSupernode"=dword:00000001值。


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


As I have discussed before there are issues with running Skype on the University Network. The main issue is the the supernode traffic, remove the supernode issue and Skype is acceptable. So this is where the ability to ‘turn off’ the supernode function in Skype v3.x is a good thing, the problem is that the ‘how to’ is buried in the network admin documentation.
(Thanks to Brian for the heads-up about this setting)

How can we prevent our network from hosting supernodes?

Skype uses peer-to-peer communications in order to allow users to find one another. Consequently, a small percentage of our users will hold a record reflecting the online presence of other users. When one user holds a record concerning the presence of other users, the former is called a “supernode”, or directory node.

Even though the traffic sent to supernodes is negligible, some institutions are interested in preventing users on their network from becoming supernodes and, thereby, answering directory enquiries for other users.

There are several ways to prevent Skype from becoming a supernode:

  • Beginning with Skype 3.0, an explicit switch is provided in the registry settings to allow the disabling of supernode functionality.
  • Any computer hosted on a network that is behind a network address translation (NAT) device or restrictive firewall will disable supernode functionality.
  • Skype clients behind an HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy will not serve as supernodes.

Enterprises typically opt for using the registry setting technique for turning off supernode functionality, simply because it is very straightforward to deploy a Windows GPO that contains the appropriate registry key setting. However, universities often find this more problematic because the computers may not be owned or operated by the host institution, making it difficult or impossible to ensure that registry keys are set properly.

In these cases, it may be more useful to set up a SOCKS5 proxy. Skype can be configured to use a SOCKS5 proxy, regardless of whether the client finds itself on a network with a public IP address or on one with a private IP address.

While the use of a SOCKS5 proxy still requires manual intervention by the user, the use of a proxy allows the economical “shaping” of Skype traffic. It has the additional positive side-effect of reducing supernodes on the network, reducing false-positive intrusion prevention system alarms and allowing for accurate measurement of Skype usage on the proxied network. — Skype [4]

From the Guide for network admins – Skype 3.0 Beta [5] we find the actual registry key where this is set;

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Skype\Phone, DisableSupernode, REG_DWORD = {0,1}

0 = supernode enabled
1 = supernode disabled

In a REG file this is;
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Now this solves our supernode issue.

We also recommend that the business version of Skype is used for our environment.

Business friendly features
* Includes Windows Installer (commonly known as MSI).
* Increased security for business users.
* Easy deployment to multiple machines in your company.
* More control for IT administrators.

Now for a solution for our Mac OSX clients … ?



建置容易、通話費率低、操作方式簡便和行動力強,是企業導入Skype的最大誘因,但它同時具備即時通訊軟體(IM)的功能,又採用P2P傳輸架構,能輕易穿越公司防火牆,再加上它不像MSN Messenger等IM軟體,具有固定的通訊埠、傳輸協定和連線伺服器,也因此企業不易監控Skype經過加密的對話內容,造成資安和管理上的漏洞。








像是Blue Coat的ProxySG,它採用代理伺服器(Proxy)技術,能夠區別防火牆完全開放的80埠(用於HTTP通訊協定),以及443埠(用於HTTPS通訊協定)的加密流量,即使Skype在連線時是透過這2個連接埠,並混雜在一般網頁傳輸封包中,這類型的設備仍然能依照網路行為的不同,阻擋屬於Skype的封包,使得Skype個人端程式無法連線。





在雜湊規則設定中,我們必須手動指定Skype執行檔的路徑,例如C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\ Skype.exe,完成後再利用開始程式集的執行功能,輸入gpupdate /force,以強制AD套用新的群組規則,並發布到員工電腦中執行。


舉例來說,如果想要禁止Skype的傳檔功能,必須在Windows的系統登錄機碼中找到[HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Skype\Phone],並自行新增1組"DisableFileTransfer" =dword:00000001值。






上一篇:阻擋 SKYPE
